Pennsylvania: Fetterman (D) backtracks statements about releasing 1200 murderers from prison – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania: Fetterman (D) backtracks statements about releasing 1200 murderers from prison

Harrisburg, PA: John Fetterman, the Democratic Senate candidate for Pennsylvania, is taking back comments he made in recent years about his plan to pursue the release of all second degree murderers in the PA state penitentiary system- nearly 1200 inmates.

Like several democrats across the country, Fetterman is pulling back on ultra-progressives ideas (like defunding the police) as public sentiment slowly shifts back in favor to keep the bad guys where they belong, behind bars.

Many democratic cities across the country, like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles are still dealing with a wave of violent crime across their respective cities. New soft-on-crime and quick release after arrest policies are sending violent criminals with long criminal histories back into the streets, only to commit another crime in short time.

Fetterman was keen on the idea of letting these murderers and showed a great degree of sympathy for the offenders. more here

13 Comments on Pennsylvania: Fetterman (D) backtracks statements about releasing 1200 murderers from prison

  1. When a democrat backtracks, it just means they accidentally said what they actually mean to do. I have no doubt that if this fucktarded piece of shit Fetterman gets into the Senate, his handlers will do everything in their power to make their trained, retarded ape turn the country into a crime-ridden, fascist hell hole. Fuck the democrat party, now and forever.

  2. “Like several democrats across the country, Fetterman is pulling back on ultra-progressives ideas…”

    Oh, no. He still believes it. He still wants to do it. He’s just not talking about it out loud in public anymore until after the election.

    Then, if he wins, he can claim to have a mandate to do all of the things he had denied he was going to do.

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