Pennsylvania to shut down all liquor stores – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania to shut down all liquor stores

Due to corona you won’t be able to buy Corona.

I’m not getting the logic here. Are they shutting down food stores? If not, why liquor stores?

Are they afraid people are going to get drunk and start licking things?

I guess they are saying alcohol is non-essential. With nothing to do, it certainly is!

A message to our valued customers regarding coronavirus (COVID-19):

We at the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board have been in constant contact with the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Governor’s Office during this very challenging time. The health and safety of our consumers and employees is our top priority, and we take our responsibility very seriously. It is why we announced the suspension of in-store tastings and events last week, enhanced our store sanitation procedures and ultimately began closing stores in Montgomery, Bucks, Chester and Delaware counties over the weekend.

After much discussion with agency leadership and health officials, we have decided to close ALL Fine Wine & Good Spirits stores at 9:00 PM on March 17 until further notice.

In addition, the e-commerce site will no longer accept orders after 5:00 PM Monday, March 16. Orders already placed for delivery to non-store addresses will continue to be processed and delivered; however, order processing and delivery will be delayed due to unusually high order volume. Orders designated for store delivery that have yet to leave the fulfillment center will be cancelled and refunds issued. In addition, all e-commerce promotions such as Third Wednesday and Limited-Release Lotteries will be suspended for the foreseeable future.

This was a tremendously difficult decision to make, and we understand the disruption our store closures will have on Pennsylvania consumers and licensees across the state. We did not take this decision lightly, but it is critical that we all do our part to mitigate the impact of COVID-19. In these uncertain and unprecedented times, the public health crisis must take priority over the sale of wine and spirits, as the health and safety of our employees and communities is paramount.

We will remain in contact with the Department of Health and the Governor’s Office to ensure we are ready to act quickly to resume operations when it is deemed safe to do so.

For information regarding the COVID-19/coronavirus, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s websiteOpens In A New Window.
We appreciate your understanding.

ht/ riverlife_callie

28 Comments on Pennsylvania to shut down all liquor stores

  1. ” In these uncertain and unprecedented times, the public health crisis must take priority … ”

    See how easy it is to take rights away from the people>

    Just make them afraid and they will accept anything, especially things they would otherwise resist with their lives.

    Fear is one side of the coin of belief, faith the other side.

    Ones is based on believing in bad outcomes, the other in good outcomes. But at the core of both of them is the basis of human thinking, belief.

    Our beliefs control our behavior and they are self chosen, not innate.

  2. What a f..king idiot. Alcohol is just a important as groceries in my home. I’m glad I don’t live in Pennsylvania or I’d be going to jail fairly quickly. There would be riots in Texas if our guv tried this shit.

  3. “This whole corona bullshit is practice … ”

    I think it may be more than just practice, it think it may a major push to establish it before the world turns away from them and they lose ground they need to keep.

  4. While I don’t live in PA, being the good prepper I am, I just happen to have a case of Bourbon in my store room for such situations! I’ll be good for a while.

  5. “After much discussion with agency leadership and health officials, we have decided to close ALL Fine Wine & Good Spirits stores at 9:00 PM on March 17 until further notice.

    In addition, the e-commerce site will no longer accept orders after 5:00 PM Monday, March 16. ”
    So for 28 hrs, the only way to get alcohol is to actually go to the store and stand in line. With a whole bunch of other people. Like a bank run grade size crowd. Pure genius.
    (INSERT Picard face-palm meme here)

  6. It doesn’t make much sense to fly into temperance mode when “self-quarantine at home” is the theme of the day.
    What else you gonna do, and what better reason to stay home and drink bourbon…or scotch…maybe a little takillya…

  7. More bootleg liquor and since NASCAR drivers need something to do they’ll do the rum running. A lot of people don’t know that is how NASCAR got its start it was a bunch of bootleggers that would race each other to see who was best. When prohibition ended work got scarcer in running and NASCAR got formed.

  8. Yep, lets ban alcohol, close all the bars, will make me want to stay at home for days at a time. Then we’ll go door to door and take all your food and firearms.
    Assholes are just asking for a rebellion.

  9. This is a trial run of increased power-grabs for any crisis, no matter how significant or insignificant. How will the sheeple be able to tell the difference ?

    No liquor stores, no gun and ammo stores, close all the gathering places where people can actually talk to one another….. because it’s for your own health/safety/insert any BS reason here.

    By then, sheeple will be so brainwashed and pussified, that they will go along with anything.

  10. is PA a ‘spirits & wine’ state-run enterprise? … like Montgomery Co., MD or NC (at least in the Outer Banks)?

    … if so, I think that explains it …. government-run

    if y’all like what’s going on, yer gonna looooooooooooove Socialism when it’s fully in charge

  11. flip
    MARCH 17, 2020 AT 12:34 PM
    “That means Dumbass DeWine will follow suit today in Ohio. Sorry, gotta boogie down to the state store, maybe they have some melon liqueur left.”

    …see if they still have Annie Green Springs Peach Creek Schnapps. This is a REMARKABLY vile concoction that was offensive to my palate even when I was blackout drinking, guzzled other people’s partly-drunk beers down to the extinguished cigarette butts, and didn’t use words like “palate”, but even after three decades of no tippling, THIS was so bad, I still remember it’s foetor…

    …if it still exists, get some, take a sip, then put the rest up on the off-chance we ever have elections again and THIS DemoRino comes up for a vote.

    …then share this as the taste of what his administration was like in the darkness of the middle of a trumped-up Demopamic to anyone CONSIDERING voting for him.

    …the taste will stay with th3em to the polls, as a reminder of something they DON’T want, even an announced Democrat would be better than a Democrat that LIES about not being a Democrat…

  12. This will not end well.

    As the Simpsons said, “To Alcohol, the cause & solution to all of our problems!”

    Take the M—-m faith:
    No drinking
    No dancing
    No dating
    No singing (except wailing)

    I would be in a perpetually angry state as well!

  13. I live in PA and went to NY today for bourbon. This shutdown doesn’t even make sense, just something to pile on the misery to the everyday working folks. They think we are too stupid to see this for what it is? Save us the virtue signalling over how this is you “helping” the public.


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