Pensacola Shooting Victim’s Family Call For Right To Bear Arms On Military Bases – IOTW Report

Pensacola Shooting Victim’s Family Call For Right To Bear Arms On Military Bases


One of the victims of Friday’s shootings at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida is calling on the government to allow military families to carry legally owned firearms on base.

The parents and brother of Joshua Watson told “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday morning that Watson, who was 23, would still be alive if he were able to carry a firearm during his pilot classes.

“These men and women are asked to go defend their country overseas or wherever and my brother was an expert marksman. He was captain of the Rifle Team for the Navy. He was well-qualified to have a firearm and defend himself,” Watson’s brother Adam said on the program Tuesday. “And, if we’re going to ask these men and women to stand watch for our country, they need the opportunity to defend themselves. This isn’t the first time this happened, and if we don’t change something, it won’t be the last.”

Three people were killed by a gunman on base Friday in what the Trump administration has labeled “an act of terrorism.” read more

14 Comments on Pensacola Shooting Victim’s Family Call For Right To Bear Arms On Military Bases

  1. As a former grunt and vet, I think it creates a lotta trouble when you combine booze, firearms, and men all spun up to kill. I don’t know how to vote on it just yet, tbh.
    It’s never been an issue before the issue nobody is allowed to mention…

  2. @Dan,

    “A well regulated militia”… People now days don’t understand the meaning of “well regulated”. It’s a Masonic phrase. It means “well behaved, trained, and orderly”. One cannot be well behaved and orderly if they’re drinking. So then, being drunk & rowdy becomes one of the things that gets your base firearms privilege restricted.


  3. Progressives make up the most asinine rules. No enlisted can have firearms on base – has this always been the rule? Read somewhere this is a Pentagon rule from 1993 – Clinton administration.
    This country is at war, people. The enemy has declared it. Jihadists will continue to cause many more families to mourn, if we don’t take this war seriously and fight tactically.

  4. Ridiculous rule. All the military has to do is put in force a carry rule that permits firearms to all active duty personnel but not foreigners, civilians, visitors, or anyone currently non-deployable, and also give the right (but not the obligation) to commanding officers to temporarily remove carry from personnel under them in their sole and absolute discretion to address “issues” (misbehavior, threats, divorce woes, whatever.)

  5. “ I think it creates a lotta trouble when you combine booze, firearms, and men all spun up to kill”. Didn’t this take place in a classroom environment? Are they serving drinks in class now? How about dancing girls? Now there is going to be trouble.


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