Pentagon Awards 2 Contractors 1 Billion for Border Fence To Be Finished 1 Month Before 2020 Presidential Election – IOTW Report

Pentagon Awards 2 Contractors 1 Billion for Border Fence To Be Finished 1 Month Before 2020 Presidential Election

Trump 2020 just got a huge boost from the Pentagon.

Western Journal-

Months after President Donald Trump declared a national emergency for the border crisis, progress is finally being made. The Department of Defense authorized nearly $1 billion for Trump’s campaign-promised border wall.

The Pentagon announced on Tuesday that two different companies have been given $976 million in contracts to start building portions of the border wall, CNN reported.

SLSCO Ltd., a company based in Texas, has been given a $789 million contract to build a wall in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, and Barnard Construction Company, based in Montana, has been given a $187 million contract for work in Yuma, Arizona.

Department of Defense spokesman Lt. Col. Jamie Davis said that the wall in the El Paso border sector in Santa Teresa would include a “30-foot bollard fencing and a five-foot anti-climb plate.”

The Yuma sector project includes an “18-foot bollard fencing and a five-foot anti-climb plate.”


6 Comments on Pentagon Awards 2 Contractors 1 Billion for Border Fence To Be Finished 1 Month Before 2020 Presidential Election

  1. The Great Wall of America is going to get built one way or another way, then this country can start removing all of the illegal aliens that are destroying this Republic. God speed, President Donald J. Trump.

  2. Yo! Alright!! I want the concession for SPRAY PAINT in the general area. Can you imagine how many cans of paint the loco lobos will use???? Paint dat wall!! $$$$$$$$$$$

  3. Tim Buktu is on right track.

    I want a moat filled with sharks with “fricken” lasers on their heads, those cool automated cannons in the movie Aliens, autonomous loitering drones overhead with kill anything that moves orders, and old fashioned trebuchets to return any successful invaders back across the border.


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