Pentagon Diversity Chief ‘Reassigned’ after He Compared Trump to Hitler – IOTW Report

Pentagon Diversity Chief ‘Reassigned’ after He Compared Trump to Hitler

Neon Nettle

The Pentagon’s new diversity chief, Richard Torres-Estrada, has been “reassigned” following an investigation of his social media posts comparing President Trump to Adolph Hitler.

Torres-Estrada’s social media activity was probed by the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) days after being announced as their new head of diversity and inclusion.

Pentagon press secretary John Kirby confirmed the investigation during a briefing in response to Torres-Estrada’s posts.

One social media posting juxtaposed a picture of Trump holding a Bible next to an image of Hitler.

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21 Comments on Pentagon Diversity Chief ‘Reassigned’ after He Compared Trump to Hitler

  1. There is absolutely nothing about Trumpism that is consistent with Nazism. Not a damn thing. Particularly, but not limited to anti Semitism, which happens to be part and parcel of practically every discussion on every Goddamned one of the progressive blogs and websites.

    The progressive movement relies on the tactics of Nazism to the nth degree. Any finger pointing or references to others is nothing but them projecting their moral failings on others and ICYMI, that is what they do with everything they should be ashamed of.

    Progressivism is a wicked and evil worldview and a hideous political philosophy and it is to it’s very core.

  2. Special ops dodged another bullet.
    Weird, it’s almost like they’re trying to destroy the military’s integrity?
    Same thing with the police, destroy their ability and force of law, cause chaos, then come to the rescue and remake it in their image. Then federalize all of it.


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