Pentagon Orders Emergency Shut Down Of High Level Security Internal Network, SIPRNET – IOTW Report

Pentagon Orders Emergency Shut Down Of High Level Security Internal Network, SIPRNET

Just the News

The Pentagon on Tuesday ordered the emergency shutdown of a classified internal communications network, three Defense Department sources confirmed.

The unprecedented daytime shutdown comes amid recent revelations that other federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, were breached by hackers.

The Defense Department alerted employees that the SIPRNET system was being shut down in the late morning for emergency software updates, the sources told Just the News. More

16 Comments on Pentagon Orders Emergency Shut Down Of High Level Security Internal Network, SIPRNET

  1. Hmmm…

    On Friday [Dec. 11] the White House fired nine members of the Pentagon’s Defense Business Board and installed people loyal to President Donald Trump, Politico reports. At the same time, Trump’s Pentagon officials have refused members of President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team to meet with officials at U.S. intelligence agencies.

    The aforementioned board members were all fired via form letter email that told them that their terms had expired — even though that wasn’t true for three of the members — and they were neither given any warning nor thanks for their service…. The firings come one week after the White House fired a dozen members of the Defense Policy Board, a similar advisory council of experts outside the government, and his Defense Secretary Mark Esper.”

    The deep state did not like that shit AT ALL.


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