Pentagon Pioneering “Mosaic” Fighting System – IOTW Report

Pentagon Pioneering “Mosaic” Fighting System

Epoch Times-
Their novel vision for warfare isn’t about making bigger, faster, or even higher-tech kits. It’s about getting numerous smaller, cheaper, perhaps lower-tech systems and deploying them in a radically new way.

The official term is mosaic warfare, but some strategists liken it to Lego.

“Like Lego blocks that nearly universally fit together, mosaic forces can be composed together in a way to create packages that can effectively target an adversary’s system with just-enough overmatch to succeed,” according to a Mitchell Institute study (pdf), released in September 2019.

Mosaic warfare is the solution of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to China’s growing military prowess. More

22 Comments on Pentagon Pioneering “Mosaic” Fighting System

  1. Since China has stolen the designs for so many of our most advanced systems, the only to counter their rapidly improving armed forces is to use our military in a way their centrally planned and controlled system never could.

    Sure hope we can perfect the concept in time.

  2. If the general public had a clue what our sons and daughters do during their service to our country, they wouldn’t believe it. Most of the general public seems to thing our boys and girls all go to boot camp, then just run around in these hell holes filling roles like the scenes they see on the 7 second “B” video playing in the background during “news” stories. I get it.

    I promise you the general public has no clue what is going on behind those walls. Some would scare the shit out of you. Some would make you sleep a lot better at night. Some of those “kids” are a lot smarter that us parents understood. They are working on and doing stuff we might not ever even know about.

    I know this much…i don’t care if you love or hate the current president. Our military is very pleased. Sure there are still some old hold outs from Barry’s run, but the vast majority know the threat, the challenges, and the dangers that are all around us. Not only are they addressing it in ways you will never even know about, they also know they have the right guy in place to make sure the public is safe and secure from these threats. There are soooo many things our military does that the general public has absolutely no clue about. Our sons and daughters are doing so much more than you know. Thank God we have this man in office, and not Queen of the friends who commit suicide. God Bless those men and women.

  3. The. Chinese had a copy the day after it was presented, the most fleeting of secrets of all are military. Secrets will be more secure as a headline in the New York Times.

  4. @ShakeNbake – I agree that the U.S. has a “1st String” that we hardly ever hear about. Not only that, the only thing keeping China at bay is exactly that realization – and they even admit it. The Russians? Not worried about them any more as long as they’re not driven by ideology.

  5. This sounds like what war usually evolves into when it’s done successfully. Both sides in the Civil War kept trying massed frontal assaults that got a lot of men killed and most failed to achieve their strategic goal. The cavalry units that were small, flexible, lightly armed, and mobile would bypass the main line of resistance, ride into the enemy’s supply & retreat area and raise hell. It worked. Low risk / high reward. Let’s hope this is where Mosaic is headed.

  6. Anything that makes that other son of a bitch die for his country instead of our boys is fine with me.
    The scarier for them, the better.
    An enemy anus drone with a charge equivalent to an M-80 would be fine

  7. cfm990 MARCH 11, 2020 AT 5:57 PM
    ““just-enough overmatch to succeed”
    Does that mean slightly less Americans dead than the enemy?”

    …Attrition is something you can’t afford in Asian Land War, China edition. We’re talking about a country that could force troops in Korea to abandon machine gun positions by sending in bodies until the guns are too hot to fire.

    …there’s an old story about a British man in Hong Kong with a Chinese butler who brought him his tea and a paper with the headline turned up every day. The was during the Sino-Japanese War, and the headline led with the body count.

    One deathly, the paper reported on the battle at Asian, with a tally of 82 Japanese killed vs. 500 Chinese. The Chinese butler grinned as he handed it over, bowed, and left.

    Another day, reporting on a battle at Pyongyang, the casualties were listed as 102 Japanese killed vs. 2,000 Chinese. The butler smiled even wider as he handed it over, bowed, and left.

    Yet another day, reports came from Jiuliancheng about 4 Japanese KIA vs. 2,000 Chinese. The manservant is now grinning his widest yet.

    …this time, the Englishman stops him before his bow and says, “these casualty figures look very bad for the Chinese, so many of you killed for so so few Japanese. Why does this make you happy?”

    …the Chinaman just absolutely BEAMS at this, then respond, “They run out. Plitty soon, no more Japanese!”

  8. Yeah, the “just enough overkill ” is what really worries me. Beancounters planning a war is rarely a good thing. Made the commitment and then go kill the hell out of the bastards. Don’t leave the good stuff rusting in the armory.

  9. Maybe if we started keeping our military advances off the internet and pages of popular science, popular mechanics, etc. And stop letting Chinese students (spies) gain employment in our industries things wouldn’t be so difficult. Chinese aren’t as capable as we think but they’re great reverse engineers.

  10. It’s hard to argue against brute power. Anyone who thinks the USSR didn’t invade Western Europe because of NATO is deluding themselves. What kept the Red Menace at bay was the Strategic Air Command. They were America’s 800 pound gorilla and the Soviets were scared to death of them. SAC had the means and more importantly, the will, to visit total destruction upon the Ruskies if they got out of line.

  11. Sort of a 22nd century updated and improved “Task Force” idea used by the Germans in the late unpleasantness. “Just enough overmatch to succeed?” How does one know that prior to success? “Be the fustest with the mostest” makes more sense, AND is proven by events, AND is an American notion.
    My guess is that with the American inculcation of Affirmative Action and the general weakening of the individuals in the Armed Forces (“standards” that aren’t standard, for instance) we need additional force multipliers that can be operated by armchair.
    (I downloaded the pdf but haven’t read it yet – so I may, again, be full of shit)

    izlamo delenda est …


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