Pentagon Relaxing Recruiting Standards For Potheads, Fat People – IOTW Report

Pentagon Relaxing Recruiting Standards For Potheads, Fat People

DailyCaller: U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has proposed relaxing military recruiting standards in a move that has garnered significant pushback.

Carter reportedly wants to impose new scrutiny on recruiting criteria like physical fitness, marijuana use, tattoo regulations, and single parents. “That is a big can of worms and it’s politically dangerous,” a senior U.S. military official told Military Times following the announcement.

The U.S. military has significantly changed personnel policies in recent days, including opening combat jobs to women, and allowing transgendered troops to openly serve.

“The one thing that’s made all those efforts palatable is that we weren’t changing the standards. This has been people’s fear all along,” the official lamented. “They said ‘Yeah, they say they’re not going to lower the standards, but they’re going to do it — just watch ’em.”

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12 Comments on Pentagon Relaxing Recruiting Standards For Potheads, Fat People

  1. So, decent people don’t want to serve under the current rotten dictators, so they resort to scraping the bottom of the barrel. If hitlery wins she will make military service compulsory for everyone – so she can send our family members off to help the moslem bro hood wage jihad on the world.

  2. Why not the military when we have severely relaxed our standards for someone to hold the White House, i.e., B. Hussein Obama (a pothead with an overweight wife and rent a kid, parents)!

  3. If the standard is set by the CiC, then their is no standard.

    It sure does seem like the ACP platform from 100 yrs ago has been achieved: that is, totally destroy this country ( and its military) from within.

    Congrats, Commies!

  4. Now just WHY do those standards exist Sec. Carter?

    Because they provide the minimum uniform foundation upon which effective fighting men and women can be created. Oh yeah, and also to minimize casualties.

    Leftist dumbass.

  5. I served as a navy recruiter for several years. Remember the BJClinton Admin fiasco where White House officials had not turned in their security paperwork but still had been given access to WH & high level security info? The form was the SF-86. Because of that one issue alone the forms were modified/changed which had major impacts on the current applicants paperwork. The military has already been so totally “made over” that loosening the standards now is akin to turning off the sump pumps on a sinking ship, just going to go down that much faster.

  6. Oh hey, why not recruit the elderly? Give them a chance to re-serve their country. Time to put the slackers back to work.

    Drill with walkers, drill with canes, oh, and as long as they are in the Senior Citizens Army, we can’t pay them Social Security or Medicare, since they will be getting military benefits.

    I bet recruitment would not be a problem.

  7. Oh, another thing, with senior soldiers, no retirement and lifetime medical care after 20 years, needs to be promised. Most would not make it.

    Gads, I hope the libs don’t take up this sarcastic suggestion.

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