Pentagon-Trained Muslim Rebels Handed Their Weapons Over To Al-Qaeda – IOTW Report

Pentagon-Trained Muslim Rebels Handed Their Weapons Over To Al-Qaeda


Shoebat: Last month reported leaked documents on how Obama’s $500 million plan to train ‘moderate’ Muslims to combat ISIS forces in Syria was selling out the U.S. and that soon all the millions of tax dollar paid weapons will go to Al-Qaeda.

As it turned out, we were correct.

21 Comments on Pentagon-Trained Muslim Rebels Handed Their Weapons Over To Al-Qaeda

  1. The muslims are very patient. They probably trained well. Did everything right. Followed all the orders. All knowing that 6months or a year later that they would have all nice weapons.

    How long were they here before 9-11?

    There are sleeper cells here. Probably been here years.

    One day.. we will find out how patient they are.

    It won’t be good.

    I hope it’s a huge cesspool of the left that gets the brunt of it.

  2. they sold their weapons for a couple of “boys” most likely.

    put this in the perspective of when the guards put underwear on terrorists heads, all the screaming and caterwauling the msm did.

    not peep out of the msm now.

    traitors, i’ll show you traitors.

  3. All part of ODAMA’s plan. He has turned over tons of arms and military equipment to the radicals, as he abandoned the areas to the jackals. Conniving, with the help of congress. Rat bastards.

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