People Aren’t Going To Stop Texting and Driving – Why? People Are Stupid, That’s Why – IOTW Report

People Aren’t Going To Stop Texting and Driving – Why? People Are Stupid, That’s Why

Futile PSA inside post–>

24 Comments on People Aren’t Going To Stop Texting and Driving – Why? People Are Stupid, That’s Why

  1. Now do one of these on gun free zones.

    ….except most of the victims are dead because they were DISARMED through the attempt to legislate morality by people who know better than anyone else.

  2. Dolt says, “The passenger has a pretty important role n driving now…” and I think, “yeah, like reading your texts for you and typing your responses.”

    But no.

    “…like telling you to look out for that car, and the light is red…”

    Millennial ingenuity is breathtaking.

  3. Powerful message and too true, but I wonder….why do these snot bubbles sound like Jeff Spicoli in 1982….for fucks sake man it’s 2016….34 years later and your culture just sounds like Dude and Wuh and like…Totally…and totally was 1982 too…

  4. Yesterday our postal clerk said she was rear ended while at a stop sign. The driver was going 55 mph when she hit. The driver was texting and saw nothing much less a bunch of stopped cars or the stop sign.
    The driver is also uninsured. I’m sure she blames it all on the borrowed, now totaled, car.

  5. Don’t give me any damn tears if your to stupid to figure this out. People that are screwing with their phones while driving are AS bad as drunks. It’s really not fair to the family you’re about to kill.

  6. Every time you see “the drift” you know the idiot is playing with his phone. We live out in the country with little room to swerve to get out of the way of some dumb distracted driver. Add in the spandex brigade on 2 wheels! Oof!!!

    Steve Jobs did not plan for this level of cluelessness.

  7. Are we now supposed to feel sorry for these weeping assholes? Phuck NO! One young bitch on her phone almost headoned me last year on a curve. My own reflexed saved my ass. Every time I see someone on a phone while driving, I scream vile words at them. Some day I may be arrested or get my ass kicked.

  8. I consider myself to be an above average driver. I don’t text and drive. However there have been occasions where I am meeting someone and have typed out a quick, be there in 5 or something similar. Those 4 words are not easy to do while driving in traffic. Reading a text real quick, no problem, it’s like checking the speedometer. Typing on a phone takes a whole other mindset that’s not compatible with driving on any level.

  9. These young people are so accustomed to instant gratification – no matter what the circumstances – that they just have been inculcated with the idea of immediacy.

    I’m afraid this will not stop now, until a new technology is developed to block the use of a phone while a car is in gear.

    I find even receiving a voice text over bluetooth to be distracting, I cannot imagine trying to read or type while my car is in motion!

  10. I love texting on my phone, mainly because I DON’T *HAVE* TO ANSWER IT IMMEDIATELY! It can wait until I reach my destination and park my car. THEN I can give them the full attention they deserve.

  11. I see people texting or looking at their phones ALL THE TiME while driving on the HWY. Mostly chicks. I keep them behind me as much as possible. I doubt this ad or PSA will have any effect on those people or stop them from texting. None of those texting people want to believe that bad shit will happen…. so they don’t think about it.

  12. People who use cell’ ‘phones when driving, or even idling at signals, should have their ‘phones pounded into their rectums with a 3 pound hammer.

    I hate all of you ‘phoning and driving motherfuckers.

  13. “People Are Stupid, That’s Why”

    HRC’s not in jail, or hanging by her neck.
    Obola’s Preznit.
    Ryan can talk about “solving America’s problems” without mentioning that ALL of America’s problems are the result of Congress’s actions (or inactions – vis a vis Obola and socialism and corruption).
    Valerie Jarret walks free.
    George Soros isn’t dead.
    Joe Manchin was Governor AND is a Senator!
    People watch CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, TBS, MSLSD …
    Orca Winfrey’s still making money.
    &c., &c., &c., …

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. @Graceia –

    Not only are they used to instant gratification, they also are used to living consequence-free lives. If anything bad happens, their parents just make it all go away.

    I don’t mind that my kid hates me every once in a while when I let him fall on his ass because he forgot or overlooked something. In 15 years he’ll be less of an irresponsible idiot than his peers.

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