People Exit Plane After the Pilot Gets a Little Funny in the Head – IOTW Report

People Exit Plane After the Pilot Gets a Little Funny in the Head

She started out by apologizing, in her street clothes, for being late because she was going through a divorce.

One Last Time Update –

She then launched into an hour long speech, holding up the departure, about Trump and Hillary being a$$holes.

She also said she was going to be on Oprah. (Which is a real possibility now.)

Hard to believe someone is divorcing her.

Even harder to believe that this obviously mentally unstable woman has a job as a pilot.

27 Comments on People Exit Plane After the Pilot Gets a Little Funny in the Head

  1. If You want to impress Me You’ll have to do better than that…

    Like driving across Country wearing a diaper to kidnap Your Exes new

    flame….while training to fly the freaking Space Shuttle…

    That’s My kind of CRAZY!!!

  2. Lazlo does not fly.
    The convenience of getting there the same day, has no appeal when one takes into account the germs, the lunatics, the hideous children, the 1970’s aircraft (ashtrays in the arm rests), being herded like cows at a stock yard, being groped because you can’t profile the pool of most likely suspects, all that crap.
    Now Lady Pilots flipping out.
    At least it was prior to flight.

  3. Best Comment on sie: No one is every going to fly with that nutball. She was probably going to crash the plane and kill them all. She probably ran home and gathered up all her suicide notes that would have blamed TRUMP for the incident. The only that that heifer should be allowed into is a straight jacket and complimentary rubber room! I know people like her. I have ex-in-laws like her!

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