People Highly Offended By Black Jack-O’-Lanterns – IOTW Report

People Highly Offended By Black Jack-O’-Lanterns

Are black people offended when they see other black people? Because this is where this is heading. In order to not offend anyone we will have to eliminate all things black.

I’m not trying to say that there aren’t real instances of offensive choices. I agree that calling this color “flesh” is pretty exclusionary.

But is this really trying to offend anyone?

This guy was just elected PM of Canada.


Bed Bath & Beyond is apologizing for a jack-o’-lantern product after complaints that it looked like blackface. That item is no longer on sale.

“This is a sensitive area and, though unintentional, we apologize for any offense caused. We immediately removed the item from sale. The item was only available online.” a Bed Bath & Beyond spokesperson tells Yahoo Lifestyle.

According to News 12 in Westchester, N.Y., the retail chain took action after the station investigated local complaints about Halloween decorations on the front steps of the Feerick, Nugent, MacCartney Law Offices in South Nyack, N.Y. The exhibit featured several black pumpkins with white mouths, each bearing the name of its partners. But according to the firm, someone took offense at the display.

Mary Marzolla, a partner at the firm, tells Yahoo Lifestyle, “We purchased these jack-o’-lanterns from Bed, Bath & Beyond specifically for the purpose of including them in our holiday display and took them down immediately upon hearing the concerns raised. We are a community law firm, work for the local community and have championed the cause for many people who suffered improper treatment by others. We will continue to do so.”

Marzolla also told News 12, “We represent people of all colors and faiths and we would never do anything to exclude anyone from any community.” Associate Alak Shah added, “It is just not something that I took offense to personally, but since it did offend somebody, the firm took proactive steps and took them down.”


41 Comments on People Highly Offended By Black Jack-O’-Lanterns

  1. What care I who makes the laws of a nation
    Let those who will take care of it’s right and wrongs.
    Who care I who cares for the world’s affairs
    As long as I can sing it’s popular songs?
    Let me sing a sunny song with crazy words that roll along
    And if my song can start you laughing I’m happy, happy.
    Let me sing a sad refrain of broken hearts who loved in vain
    And if my song can start you crying I’m happy.
    Let me croon a low down blues that lifts you out of your seat.
    If my blues can reach your shoes and start you tapping your feet, I’m happy.
    Let me sing of Dixie’s charms, of cotton fields and Mammy’s arms
    And if my song can make you homesick, I’m happy.
    Let me sing a sunny song with crazy words that roll along
    And if my song can start you laughing I’m happy, oh happy.
    I want to sing a sad refrain of broken hearts who loved in vain,
    And if my song can start you crying I’m happy.
    Oh let me croon a low-down blues that lifts you out of your seat.
    If my blues can reach your shoes and start you tapping your feet, I’m happy.
    I want to sing of Dixie’s charms, of cotton fields and Mammy’s arms,
    And if my song can make you homesick, I’m happy.

  2. I think they’re cute. Right now, black and grey is en vogue. Like some vintage fad bullshit.
    If these were sold at some store in the mall run by black people, no one would say shit.

    Also, ‘flesh’ was a weird crayon color, because, the name, “flesh”. Kinda gross. Made me think of the meat under the skin. lol.
    I usually colored in faces with the “Tan” crayon and then lightened with peach or darkened with sepia, depending on the person.

  3. Aside from being a “chic” color, aren’t black pumpkins with painted-on features done that way to highlight the scary features in the dark, since they’re not hollowed out with a light from inside?

    This is all getting ridiculous already.

    (Wasn’t the crayola color actually called “peach”?)

  4. This gives me an idea.
    I’m going to put one large orange pumpkin on a stump in my lawn.
    Then I will surround it with 20-30 pumpkins that were painted white, black, tan and shades of brown. Then I’ll put a TRUMP 2020 sign behind the one orange pumpkin.

    Happy Halloween

  5. Jesus H. Christ, (with ALL due respect), I grew up in a family where humor was paramount, making jest of reality was almost a survival tool. And, if it wasn’t real…make it up!

    Be real….if you are not being real….you are being fake, (and we already have enough of that).
    Dems are hell bent on destroying simple humor.

  6. Not that I would want a black pumpkin, but why is it racist? Would it be racist if it was a white pumpkin or a red pumpkin?

    Something else that gets on my nerves is “boy” why the hell is it racist to call someone boy? My Grandfather always called his sons and grandsons boy or son and called his daughters and granddaughters girl or sis.

  7. The pic of trudeau was exactly where I was going with it.

    He can give the pumpkins cabinet positions in Canadian Government. They will do less damage than his last group of incompetents.

  8. Good Lord, I’m only sorry I couldn’t care any less if they feel bad, but I think it’s completely fake anyways. Why are they not out in the streets screaming about all the hoods and hip hopers calling everybody the N word every other word?
    What’s next on deck? White houses with black trim?
    It’s amazing how high these big companies jump when they are told too.
    Note – please feel free to pound sand.

  9. Want to really send a cancel culture twit into orbit…paint a pumpkin in LGBTQ rainbow colors, then paint a black face on it with white features. Be prepared for insanity.

  10. I won’t be surprised if there are news reports of homes with orange jack-o-lanterns being vandalized because the vandals will claim they’re the same as a MAGA hat. Showing support for the orange-man in the White House.


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