People Queuing Up to Be Poisoned – IOTW Report

People Queuing Up to Be Poisoned

Language alert. Oh, what am I saying? Isn’t anything worse than what you read in the comments here. LOL

41 Comments on People Queuing Up to Be Poisoned

  1. My whole family: Were vaccinated.
    Me: Fuck that.

    Then again, I’ve always been the outcast, black sheep of the family, most likely to go to prison (never did), too smart for my own good etc… etc…
    I know can live with my decisions.
    I always wonder when they will question their mindset?

  2. @Ann Thracts June 8, 2021 at 8:24 pm – “…A serious question…”

    All of the above, plus shooting out the eyeballs…a not so serious answer. But WTH, the whole idea of “shedding” adverse reactions to others is pretty far out there.

  3. Tnx stirrin

    I find it nearly impossible to believe people drove hundreds of miles to get vax’ed when the shots first became available…now the Gub is begging and threatening people to get the jab.

    If this is really a nationwide/worldwide medical experiment and/or eugenics, you can bet your asses that Congress, Fauci, Biden, Obama, and the rest DID NOT get anything but a B-12 or a saline solution.

    As a kid I used to have one of those fake syringes that slid up into the shot-body to make it look like it was going into your arm.

    I guess they’ll come after the un-vax’ed prols when they’re alive and everyone else is dropping dead in the streets.

    Good times indeed.

  4. @Ann Thracts — The whole purpose of the experimental nRNA gene therapy “vaccine” is for the body’s own cells to be reprogrammed to produce the pathogenic spike protein in pretty much the same way the body’s cells are reprogrammed by a virus to produce more virus particles. In order for the “vaccine” to work, it has to generate a concentration of spike protein similar to the concentration of a virus in the body to cause disease and viral replication. We already know that people suffering from a viral disease shed virus; that’s how others are infected. Similarly, people generating the spike protein shed it in the same fashion. Note that the Japanese bioessay report recently made public shows that the “vaccine” does not stay in the arm muscle where it is injected, but rather remains in the blood for days (in one instance 29 days), and becomes concentrated in various organs including kidneys. I expect that there will be a sufficient level of spike protein in urine to be worth investigating in addition to the usual virus shedding avenues of saliva, mucous, and skin particles.

  5. Dang. Another long-ish comment just disappeared into the bit bucket, and it had no HTML or anything “active”, it was just words. I’ll try breaking it in two and see if it gets through whatever is blocking it from appearing.

  6. Part 1:

    Ann Thracts — The whole purpose of the experimental nRNA gene therapy “vaccine” is for the body’s own cells to be reprogrammed to produce the pathogenic spike protein in pretty much the same way the body’s cells are reprogrammed by a virus to produce more virus particles. In order for the “vaccine” to work, it has to generate a concentration of spike protein similar to the concentration of a virus in the body to cause disease and viral replication. We already know that people suffering from a viral disease shed virus; that’s how others are infected. Similarly, people generating the spike protein shed it in the same fashion. Note that the Japanese bioessay report recently made public shows that the “vaccine” does not stay in the arm muscle where it is injected, but rather remains in the blood for days (in one instance 29 days), and becomes concentrated in various organs including kidneys. I expect that there will be a sufficient level of spike protein in urine to be worth investigating in addition to the usual virus shedding avenues of saliva, mucous, and skin particles.

  7. Part 1:

    Ann Thracts — The whole purpose of the experimental nRNA gene therapy “vaccine” is for the body’s own cells to be reprogrammed to produce the pathogenic spike protein in pretty much the same way the body’s cells are reprogrammed by a virus to produce more virus particles.

  8. Part 2:

    In order for the “vaccine” to work, it has to generate a concentration of spike protein similar to the concentration of a virus in the body to cause disease and viral replication. We already know that people suffering from a viral disease shed virus; that’s how others are infected.

  9. Part 3 (last):

    Similarly, people generating the spike protein shed it in the same fashion. Note that the Japanese bioessay report recently made public shows that the “vaccine” does not stay in the arm muscle where it is injected, but rather remains in the blood for days (in one instance 29 days), and becomes concentrated in various organs including kidneys. I expect that there will be a sufficient level of spike protein in urine to be worth investigating in addition to the usual virus shedding avenues of saliva, mucous, and skin particles.

  10. Part 3:

    Similarly, people generating the spike protein shed it in the same fashion. Note that the Japanese bioessay report recently made public shows that the “vaccine” does not stay in the arm muscle where it is injected…

  11. @Ann Thracts June 8, 2021 at 8:56 pm – “…I guess they’ll come after the un-vax’ed prols when they’re alive and everyone else is dropping dead in the streets…” Yup.

    I’ve already decided that this is the hill I’m willing to die on, so we’ll se what happens from here.

  12. Part 4:

    Note that the Japanese bioassay report recently made public shows that the “vaccine” does not stay in the arm muscle where it is injected, but rather remains in the blood for days (in one instance 29 days), and becomes concentrated in various organs including kidneys.

  13. Stirrin the pot June 8, 2021 at 8:35 pm

    “…@Ann Thracts June 8, 2021 at 8:24 pm – “…A serious question…”

    All of the above, plus shooting out the eyeballs…a not so serious answer. But WTH, the whole idea of “shedding” adverse reactions to others is pretty far out there…”

    Unless you are Uncle Al, who has a well reasoned logical explanation to the potential shedding of the vaccine spike proteins.

    I don’t know what to think anymore.

  14. Many doctors, some of them the same ones who learned early on that hydroxychloroquine and z-pack and/or ivermectin worked against the virus, now say that these folks getting this vaccine that don’t die within the first few hours up to first few weeks, have 2 years max before it kills them.

    My daughter was talking to this woman talking about being sad their her lifelong friend just recently died. She said she had just talked to her a few days earlier and they were talking about how they both had gotten their 2nd vaccine a few weeks earlier and that she was just fine. Then they found her dead in her house. My daughter told her it sounded like the shot killed her and she said, “oh no the vaccine had nothing to do with it, they said her kidneys and liver just shut down.” My daughter told her that’s what the vaccine does, she wouldn’t believe it and kept insisting the medical examiner said the vaccine had nothing to do with it, it was just her organs shut down from some unknown cause.
    That’s how stupid people are.

  15. My dental hygienist missed about 10 days of work, 3-4 weeks after her 2nd dose. A mini stroke they are calling it. She’s about 40, good health, no family history of strokes. She’s is concerned as hell about what she did to herself. And her husband tried to discourage her from the jab. She did it for work, and now wishes she never did.

  16. “…@Ann Thracts June 8, 2021 at 8:24 pm – “…A serious question…”

    Go to walmart, or any supermarket for that matter, and test the shopping carts for fecal coliforms. That’s one way.
    Also, I’ve read it is possible with just about any body fluid.

  17. As I stated here a couple weeks ago, the other gramma got the jab and my grandkids had such bad nosebleeds around her that they had to go to the doctor. (The doctor briefly ‘mentioned’ the shedding by those ‘vaccinated’.)

    A month ago my friend’s mother died after getting her 2nd shot (J&J). Her liver and kidneys shut down and she died 2 weeks later. My step-dad got the first Moderna shot and that night had a stroke…died 3 days later when they took him off life support (doctor told him that very day he was healthy enough to get shot).

    YES, there is something horribly wrong with this ‘vaccine’ everyone is running to get. Count me OUT! This was nothing more than a FEAR pandemic. (BTW, I find it especially funny you can stick a magnet to the place you received the shot!!)

  18. CCNV, against my wishes, permission given by my sister they gave my mother the shot, she got a “virus” 2 weeks after the second shot, almost everyone in the nursing home who got the 2nd round of shots got a “virus.” They said it was just a stomach virus, yet all of them were left weak, confused, dehydrated, etc. after this stomach was supposedly gone. Within 6 weeks of the 2nd shot, she was no longer able to walk or even lift herself up in bed. They just blamed it on her alzheimers, yet she had never gotten to the point that she didn’t know us, not long after becoming bedridden she passed away.
    I blame the shot for her death, but outside of myself, my kids and my husband everyone else believes the shot had nothing to do with it.

    Several of the patients in this nursing home died after the shots and I’ve heard of many other in other nursing homes who have died. Their excuse for all these deaths is that all these folks were just hanging on until they could see their families again and once they started allowing families to visit they could go on.

    Nobody will ever know how many old people have died from the shots because they won’t investigate it and just say they died because they were old.

    I really despise these people.

    I have 3 siblings still alive and all of them along with their spouses and some of them even their adult children and grandchildren got the shots. I tried to tell all of them about all the bad stuff and how they shouldn’t trust the government, but they all ignored me as I was just a conspiracy nut.

  19. Old Racist White Woman,

    I am so sorry for your loss. My son refuses to say if he did or didn’t get the jab, so I keep praying he and his family stay healthy.

    I cannot imagine anyone volunteering to get the jab after the revelations of the past week (showing there are alternatives that SHOULD have been offered/used). This was nothing more than FEAR being used on a gullible population. (I completely understand the ‘conspiracy nut’ classification. I am right there with you!)

  20. CCNV, although it pisses me off about the vaccine and I have some bad feelings towards my sister due to it and other things she did to my mom that I’m working through, I know she’s better off. Being in a nursing is no life, being in a nursing home for a year without seeing your family certainly is no life.

    Being a conspiracy nut actually makes me laugh when my so called conspiracies keep being proven correct. I’ve always been the black sheep of my family anyway, sometimes I really think I was adopted. lol

    Thank you though.

    I’m blessed that my kids would never get the shot.

  21. This thread is the first time I’ve heard that the jab caused liver and kidney failure. My kidneys aren’t in the best shape as it is-why would I risk putting them in more jeopardy? I’m all about herd immunity. It’s worked in the all the past history of mankind FFS!

  22. My brother’s doc talked him into getting the shot.
    He has pkd and yet the doc talked him into it.
    He was sick for 6 wks.
    It’s probably the clinical trial drug for pkd that kept him alive.

    A guy my son works with had his mother in a nursing home. They all went to lunch and were vaxxed and 45 min later she was dead.

    I have other relatives who seem fine after the shot.

    I am not going near it.
    Surprisingly, or maybe not, my Nephrologist never suggested I get the vax or even asked if I did.

  23. I don’t know……….My brother, 77 years old, got the jab about a month ago. Not sure what brand.
    Three weeks later he had a heart attack.
    Yes, he’s 77.
    Yes, it’s possible there’s nothing to connect the two events.
    But…he;s healthy, he has regular check ups, eats fairly healthy, has had absolutely no prior heart problems. There is almost no heart problems in either branch of our family.
    When he went in hospital, they told him he had one artery with 100% blockage, and two others with reduced capacity.
    They put stints in and he seems ok for now, but after hearing about the problems with blood clots, I’m wondering if the jab triggered a blood clot that got caught up in an artery that had a small amount of plaque build up.
    Any thoughts here?

  24. Sounds to me like NOW is the time to be cleaning shopping carts and all surfaces to protect against the shed spike proteins from the vaccinated.

    Of course, with the fear-porn gone, no one is giving a damn about cleanliness.

    I hope Fauci wears gloves at his GIANT grocery store in DC. We wouldn’t want to lose such a valuable member of the medical world, now would we?


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