People With Strong Immunity Judged More Attractive – IOTW Report

People With Strong Immunity Judged More Attractive

Study Finds

A team at Texas Christian University found that when people had to rate a group of photos based on the attractiveness of each person’s face, they consistently rated individuals with stronger immune health as more attractive than other photos in the study.

Although beauty is often in the eye of the beholder, researchers say there has been a historical link between what societies consider attractive and reproductive success. The TCU team theorized that, because certain evolutionary traits tie into more mating success, people who seem more attractive to others may also appear healthier to the opposite sex. More

13 Comments on People With Strong Immunity Judged More Attractive

  1. My wife wouldn’t be too amused if I made the experiment, even if I told her it was strictly in the interests of soience…

    …also, every year I appreciate this comment more. I recall reading somewhere during a conversation about young women with evident moral problems where an apparently male commentator said “I’m 74. If a hot young woman breathlessly told me she’d do whatever I said, I’d say “Paint My House””.

    …it’s actually kind of scary how much sense that makes to me now…

  2. So, I’m thinking that all my relatives who lived to their high 90’s must have had great immune systems. Which means they were good looking, too, right?

    Gotta get out the old pictures and look… standby…

    Hmmm. Well, my Mom and various Aunts were pretty cute… 🙂


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