Pepper Balls Arrested – IOTW Report

Pepper Balls Arrested


Ain’t that a kick in the pants.

A protester, seen on video kicking a can of tear gas away from himself after being hit in the groin with the projectile launched by the Phoenix Police Department, has been arrested on criminal charges, according toĀ CBS 5.

Joshua Stuart Cobin, a Scottsdale, Az., native, was booking into jail on Thursday on three counts of felony aggravated assault on police and a misdemeanor count of unlawful assembly.

The incident took place on Tuesday, during a protest in response to Donald Trump’s arrival in Phoenix, where he was expected to pardon Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Cobin stood by his actions in an interview with CBS 5 the day after the protest.

“I don’t equate kicking or putting back tear gas canisters as attacking police. I never attacked a police officer,” he said.


43 Comments on Pepper Balls Arrested

  1. But, but, but…he’s a peaceful protester, isn’t that why he was wearing a gas mask?

    I wonder who the other perp-walker is, is he covering his face so mommy won’t ground him?


    Kicking a tear gas or smoke canister away from you is not worthy of three counts of felony aggravated assault. Flat-out ridiculous.

    People have the right to assemble w/o a permit.

    People have the right to protect themselves from teargas.

    There is no equal protection under the law. A Presidential candidate ignores orders from the FBI and Congress, deletes evidence, smashes cellphones, and nothing happens. A guy kicks a precious teargas canister away from him, and he faces:
    ā—¾Removal of his voting rights
    ā—¾Removal of his 2nd Amendment rights
    ā—¾Removal of passport/traveling abroad
    ā—¾Removal of his ability to ever work again
    ā—¾Removal of his ability to receive a loan
    ā—¾Removal of his freedom: jail/probation
    ā—¾Removal of his income: at LEAST $20,000 just in legal fees


  3. A rioter getting busted on charges that’ll probably stick. Not much different than what Rob’t Mueller is trying to do with the Russia investigation. When he catches someone in a lie, they’ll get charged with perjury, or something.

  4. @Pelopidas
    Mr Go Daddy rep is gonna get nailed.

    Police, apparently, have a different interpretation.
    “He has posted images and admissions to his crime on social and local media outlets,” wrote Phoenix police spokesman Sgt. Jonathan Howard in an email announcing the arrest.

  5. @Superpat, I suspect that’s not all he did and they may have witnesses but no vid. Maybe he’s on other vids (civilian? Police surveillance?) doing stuff, I don’t know. I do know folks have had just about enough and he may be the head-on-a-pike case as an example to others. I guess the moral for him is don’t be that guy. The sad reality is I suspect those charges will be pled down to a couple misdemeanors and he does small time and/or his mom writes a check for the fine. He’ll be back none the wiser when he sees the next ad on Craigslist maybe with his nards adequately protected this time. Maybe Ma Cobin will (and should) close her check book and say no mas. They need to make sure any fine well exceeds what Soros is paying and maybe we won’t see his little mug show up on the evening news so much any more.

  6. Yup. He had all those rights. He just did not have the mental ability to avoid the consequences. Could have stepped to the left, to the right, in front. But. No. He chose to increase tensions and endanger the police. Now he’ll have plenty of time to think about what he did wrong. Sucks to be so stupid.

  7. Notice the first several sentences in the article. It says he kick the can of gas at police after he was shot in the groin. WRONG. He kicked the can initially at the officers and then he was pepper balled in the balls. Such sweet justice.

  8. Have to disagree Super Patriot.
    Here’s the video.

    The reason the police dispense tear gas is to get people to retreat backwards.
    It’s not assault when the police dispense tear gas at an advancing line to get that line to retreat.

    What is felony assault is to run forward and kick the tear gas back into the line of policemen.

    He didn’t kick it away from himself… he ran up to it and kicked it back into the police.

  9. Gotta agree with BFH on this one, kicking the tear gas back into the police line counts as assault in my book. You have a right to protest…PEACEFULLY!!…but when the police tell you it’s time to disperse, you disperse, or you man up and accept the consequences for you disobedience.

    BTW: BFH, what happened to AWD’s site? It’s been down all week.

  10. Oh yeah he practically danced over to the tear gas and kicked it at the cops. He wasn’t skeert. And then he hung around starting at them giving himself an inner high 5. Until… LOL.

  11. I understand Super Patriot’s point, that it will be a steep price to pay if all the charges stick.
    BUT, it is assault on a police officer, and the part about protecting yourself from tear gas, that might be true if the guy wasn’t able to retreat backwards and was choking on the gas.

    He ran a good distance from the fresh air TO the tear gas to use it as a weapon against the police.
    He might pay a steep price for that felony.

  12. I was just having this discussion with my husband. He says that Peppy Balls didn’t deserve the criminal charges. I disagree with him. PB had no reason to go back and kick the canister into the police officers. It’s not like he was defending himself, he was attacking LE. Anyway, we laughed a lot with the many versions of the video. The best one was with “I’ll Always Love You” on the background!

  13. Val,
    did he see the rarer vid that I posted that shows he was in no danger of the tear gas and ran towards it to kick it back into the police?

    Because there isn’t a defense lawyer on the planet that might not recommend he plea to a lesser crime, or say he was high on sugar from Twinkies, because that right there is assault upon a police officer.

  14. I’d be interested in knowing whether he was paid to attend the demonstration and if so, whether his “employer” can be held in some way responsible for his behaviour. That would be a good bargaining chip for him to use to get the charges reduced. Maybe the cops can follow that up the ratline to the wallet behind a lot of these riots that seem to always happen.

  15. That Video Was One of The Funniest Things Iv’e Ever Seen , I Still Laugh Almost Uncontrollably When It Nails Him In The Nutters !
    The Video Will Be On a Loop In Jail !!!

  16. @sup pat @BFH. Where I am at the mayor can declare an unlawful assembly followed by Rio proclamation. Even then the police don’t get to treat it as a riot immediately. They get 30 min to disperse. After that you are subjecting yourself to criminal charges if you remain an the police can use necessary force to remove or arrest you. You had your chance to demonstrate, now git.

  17. @judgeroybean August 25, 2017 at 1:47 pm

    “Now heā€™ll have plenty of time to think about what he did wrong. Sucks to be so stupid.”

    If you’re gonna’ do the time, you might as well do the crime.

  18. I was in Phoenix/Tempe for a National Football Championship. Those cops there will PHUCK you up.

    If you’ve never walked down the street at 2200 and heard a Po-po patrol storming down the streets of brick on steel shod horses, you ain’t felt fear.

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