Pepperdine Tells Its Students To Hunker Down Inside Its Buildings Amidst Wildfires – IOTW Report

Pepperdine Tells Its Students To Hunker Down Inside Its Buildings Amidst Wildfires

Uhhhhhhhh. No.

I would have left.

ht/ all too much

12 Comments on Pepperdine Tells Its Students To Hunker Down Inside Its Buildings Amidst Wildfires

  1. I was watching CBS2 in LA earlier and issue came up last night during the firestorm that came down the hill next to the Pepperdine campus. Some students were emailing their parents that the school wouldn’t let them leave. But it turns out that Pepperdine has been through this several times before when the fire came down the hill. The fire department was there in huge numbers monitoring the whole campus. Plus, there was no where to go as the roads were closed and over crowning with fire in places. So it really was safer in the Campus cafeteria. Everyone was safe and the campus was completely spared.

  2. Withhold? I think Capt. Baligad meant withstand.

    @BFH – I’d have been looking at leaving, too. But that entails a lot of uncertainty and risk. At what point do you hit the road? What direction do you take? Are the roads unclogged enough you could actually get far enough to be safer? Cars don’t fare well in that kind of fire. How well have the buildings at Pepperdine fared in past fires, if any?

  3. Definitely sides to both arguments, but Pepperdine is designed pretty well to resist brush fires, both by having lots of grass and less brush and by having buildings that can resist catching fire. It also enables fewer firefighters to protect a greater number of people, and many of the students likely didn’t have another place of refuge.
    We’ll see how it goes tomorrow, winds are already picking up again. My guess is that the students who had somewhere else to go left Malibu today.

  4. There are basically three ways out of Malibu – PCH to Santa Monica, Malibu Canyon to the 101 and PCH to Kanan Dume or farther on PCH to Oxnard. Malibu Canyon was not an option since it joins the 101 where the main fire started. The hillsides go down directly to PCH, and PCH can become jammed quickly.

    The campus itself is surrounded by greenbelt. The buildings are designed to be fire resistant (I have seen major blazes burning about 50 feet from similarly constructed buildings and they sustained no fire damage).

    Is it completely safe in the event of major fires? No, there are no guarantees, but it is safer than most places in and around Malibu and in the valley. There have been a few major fires in the area since Pepperdine was built, and the campus has fared just fine.

  5. I could not understand what she was saying, but hiding out with a gas mask on in a smoke-filled room with the herd would be what we call a “clue” that shit ain’t right. Like Jim Jones level ain’t right.

  6. The students were given the option to leave if they wanted, but it was strongly suggested they shelter in place, since it was probably the safer option (just like Wyatt, IPJ said). Some of then misunderstood and thought they were being ordered to stay. That’s where the confusion came from.


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