Perfect cartoon for millennials – IOTW Report

Perfect cartoon for millennials

ht/ nm

19 Comments on Perfect cartoon for millennials

  1. If only Millennials had it as easy as boomers, unfortunately we’ve imported to many immigrants and affirmative action is starting to take a larger toll as the white percentage of the population gets smaller. I pity millennials, I feel guilty ridiculing them. Drive North on I-75 in Michigan and all I see is signs for pot dispensaries, casinos and joining the military to go fight in a desert in the opposite side of the world. Not much future has been left for this group.

  2. True, rich taylor, but the laughter of the common core math Millennials will turn to tears when they find out that they are only having their debt canceled, and that they are not, in fact, being given $50,000. The tweet storm from AOC will be one for the ages.

  3. Too bad the millenials were not smart enough to recognize that President Trump wanted to repatriate manufacturing jobs.

    Many of these jobs are highly technical and require a good level of education and many require degrees in engineering, computer science, statistics, robotics, AI….etc., etc.

    With Biden, these jobs will not be coming back. Millenials shot themselves in the foot and will be relegated to living in mom’s basement playing computer games for the rest of their stupid lives.

  4. Some doctorates are designed for people that want to work, not teach.

    There is a Doctor of Computer Science (dSc). It’s a doctorate, but not a pHd.

    I know about “Dr. Jill Biden” – she is still a doctor, just not a medical doctor.

  5. My sibling full university run,phycology,math,polysci etc.Works minimum wage as a clerk. Me High school grad, worked learning trades (wow getting paid to learn!)Self employed mechanic,machinist,fabricator. Minimum one hundred dollars per hour. Work when I want to.

  6. Heard this quote about Milennials spoken by a character on one of my favorite shows “Seal Team”;

    “Milennials – always reinventing the wheel, but don’t know how to change a tire” – EXACTLY!

    Perfect definition of a misguided, Marxist indoctrinated generation.


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