Perhaps the Dumbest THE VIEW Segment – IOTW Report

Perhaps the Dumbest THE VIEW Segment

Some clown looking leftist wants to rewrite the constitution because it was written by slave owners and misogynists, but when asked what he would rewrite, none of it has any meaningful impact on non-whites and women.

He’s just a marxist hiding behind race and gender in order to dismantle America.

Rean and SEE HERE

31 Comments on Perhaps the Dumbest THE VIEW Segment

  1. The fact that leftists are allowed to speak publicly w/o getting the crap kicked out of them is proof enough that our constitution is working.

  2. “Reverse Racism Is Not a Thing.” SAID THE BLACK MAN.

    “it was written by slavers and colonists and white people who were willing to make deals with slavers and colonists.” …WHO WERE BLACK.

  3. When your are selling a book based on an inflammatory emotive premise, logic is thrown out the window – if he even had any to begin with. Whatever it takes to make it rain, emotions trump logic.

  4. Ugly African dude should relocate to South Africa where the world decided that the majority black race of that country should rule because they were the racial majority! Therefore, he agrees with that premise but not the premise that white Americans should then have the same right to rule here because of their racial majority!

  5. “…The dumbest are BFAssHat & MJA, have just one brain cell between the 2 of them…”

    That’s the best you got? My 9 year old grandson can come up with a better insult than that.

    Speaking of brain cells, it doesn’t take more than one to come up with “anonymous” for a nom de plume.

  6. @stirrin – I was thinking the same thing. I wonder what his / her / its mother would say if she ever went to the basement to see what this troll was doing. Come to think of it, maybe we should have a contest to guess the pronouns.

    I will start: jackass / I am not in the basement!!

  7. Bozo’s brother from another mother knows nothing about the U.S. Constitution. The document that actually protects his right to be a leftist stooge. He’s just spewing Marxist doctrine like he’s hopped up on crack. Something is seriously wrong with that clown. Too bad circuses are obsolete. At least he would have a purpose – chasing a clown car around in a big tent.

  8. Fat Boy here says The Constitution is “trash,” written by slaver owners. Yeah. This coming from a big bed wetter who wears a powdered wig. Oh the irony. 🤣


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