Period Emojis? Why? – IOTW Report

Period Emojis? Why?

Huff Poo

You’ve sent unicorns, dragons and smiling poos. Now, you can finally send a period emoji.

Unicode – the organisation that manages the distribution of emojis – has confirmed a blood drop-shaped emoji is included in its February 2019 emoji release, meaning it’ll be appearing on our keyboards around springtime.

It comes after more than 55,000 people called for a period emoji to be added to the global emoji keyboard last year, in a campaign led by girl’s rights charity Plan International UK to help break down the silence, stigma and taboos surrounding periods.

We look forward to sending it to our entire contact book once a month.


This will backfire.

This emoji will be used when a girl is bitchy. Bank on it.

And what’s this bullcrap about periods having taboos and stigmas? This is a completely fabricated “oppression.”

Everyone is well aware of menstruation, that it is a fact of life, and it happens. If it’s not spoken about it’s because it’s a boring topic of conversation. How would women like to embellish the conversation after they say, “I have my period”?

When someone says, “I have the sniffles,” they don’t regale everyone of tales of shnotting on their sleeve, or hawking up a loogie. It wouldn’t be all that compelling as mixed company conversation, would it?


25 Comments on Period Emojis? Why?

  1. Then the trannies will whine because they don’t have periods.
    And the blatant discrimination against their trans-ness or whatever the fuck they wanna call it will make all the tender gender blenders cry. 💧

  2. you’re right about the issue with the trannies.

    The FTMs will complain because it’s not inclusive to their man-periods. The MTFs will complain because it’s not inclusive since they don’t bleed from their female penises.

    And the blue haired ham planets will complain when dudes use it against whiny females as a single emoticon statement of “you’re a whiny psycho bitch so I assume you’re on your period.”

  3. Let’s take this idiocy one step further;

    Each woman when experiencing her monthly period “must” wear the blood drop-shaped 3×3 pin on her left chest to warn all males of this natural occurrence.

    This would save many males a lot of grief, save marriages and reduce homicides.

  4. Vietvet, count me in as a dinosaur as well. But the millennials are the Cro Magnon men as well as the missing links of Darwin’s evolutionary bullshit. Thank God that none of my 3 kids believe in this garbage, but to them I’m also a dinosaur, although a smart and lovable one and they know it. Dinosaurs (and old guys and gals) rule, millennials literally drool and wallow in their stupidity and ignorance.

  5. @geoff the aardvark: To be honest, she doesn’t actually CALL me one, but I’m pretty sure she thinks it from time to time. We ALL think our parents are dinosaurs at that age, don’cha know? Wisdom and understanding come later.

    Well… for most of us, anyway.


  6. I used to think that my mom and dad were dinosaurs and old fogies when I was younger. It wasn’t until after I was in my early 20’s and had been in the Navy for 3 years and came home and started my life that I realized that they were a lot smarter than I thought they were. And I was married at 24 and had my first kid when I was 29 and 2 more later. I miss them now since they both passed away last year after being married for 65 + years, they were a great example for my wife and I and our kids. And the older I get I’m turning into my dad which is scary and good at the same time. And since I’m the first born son I’m even to start to look a lot like my dad.


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