Perpetually OFFENDED!!!! – IOTW Report

Perpetually OFFENDED!!!!

There are certain women that I cannot stand, and the ones who are “offended” by this video are a goodly swath of them.

I’m not even sure what they are offended by. It could be anything.

16 Comments on Perpetually OFFENDED!!!!

  1. The perpetually offended will claim that not all “women” can procreate because those who are actually men and lack the requisite body parts can’t pull it off.

  2. The Raptors already apologized like weak kneed littld girls.

  3. Well I’m at least satisfied that they know what a woman is. Pretty sure they knew that before kindergarten. I’m also sure they wouldn’t allow a queen tranny play on their team.

  4. A: Good grief they sound stupid as hell.

    B: “When I was a young man, it took “two to tango.” Enter science… You can make another human from two eggs, but not two sperm cells. Albeit – two eggs equals female every time.

    It really could be an all female world if they wanted that.

    Providing they wanted to kill off all the males, of course.

    Let’s not push that issue, eh?


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