Personality Test – IOTW Report

Personality Test


Here are a set of mental visualization exercises that are suppose to provide you insight on yourself.  I found some things to be specifically accurate, and a lot of horoscope type generalizations.

Try it Here 


17 Comments on Personality Test

  1. My wife is a psychiatrist and I’m her Personality Test guinea pig. I get tested all the time.
    How would you like to come home and find someone else living in your house.
    That happened three years after we were married.
    Another time all the food in the fridge was gone.
    Another time no power in the house.
    Her :OK honey ‘what are you feeling’
    Me: I should have married a waitress

  2. Tony R. I hear you. I took a test once on Alcoholism. I think it was in the “Reader’s Digest” or some other magazine of that kind.
    Two questions, the answers to which assured me that I was an alcoholic.
    Q#1. Do you look forward to a drink?
    Methink: I’m cutting the lawn. it’s 86 degrees. I’m sweating my nuts off. I’m almost finished and yes, I’m looking forward to a beer.
    Bingo! Alcoholic tendencies.
    Q#2. Do you drink alone?
    Methink: I just finished cutting the lawn. Washed down the mower and put it away. I’m home alone. The wife and daughter are out. So I pop a can of cold Bud.
    Bingo! I’m drinking alone. Certified alcoholic. 12 step program recommended.
    I agree. Whoever makes up these tests should be beaten to death with an axe handle.

  3. Blue green, cartoon fish, 5 medium sized cubes, no five flowers on the ground, whatever. Storms are exciting.
    The Cleveland Browns won a game. Grass is orange. Like a good neighbor, stay over there. And a partridge in a pear tree.

  4. Little Johnney was fidgitting at his desk, playing with his hands.
    Teacher: What are you going Johnney?
    Johnney: Playin.’
    Teach. Playing with what?
    John: Shit.
    Teach: (O my God) What are you making Johnney?
    John: A teacher.
    It gets better. The teacher takes Johnney to the Principal.
    Johnney starts playing with his hands on the Principal’s desk.
    Prin: What are you doing Johnney?
    John: Playin.’
    Prin: What are you playing with Johnney?
    John: Shit.
    Prin: (O Good Lord) What are you making Johnney?
    John: A Principal.
    Now, normally in an Irish school, the Principal, a Christian Brother, would have smacked the shit out of Johnney. But times have changed.
    The Principal and the teacher took Johnney to the psychiatrist.
    Johnney started playing away with his hands on the Doctor’s desk.
    The Psychiatrist, a graduate of Trinity College, and a real cool guy, observed Johnney for a while, Then it went like this:
    Dr. Hello Johnney, how are you? I’m Dr. Kelly.
    John: Hiya doin.?
    Dr. You’re playing, right Johnney?
    John: Yep.
    Dr. And you’re playing with shit Johnney, right?
    John; Right.
    Dr. And you’re making a psychiatrist Johnney, right?
    John: Nope, not enough shit.

  5. not digging it … why?
    the ‘fist’ question. the obvious answer is ‘C’. you don’t clench a fist with a thumb on top or tucked in. you clench a fist because you want to punch something … ‘A’ & ‘B’ do not achieve the desired result of the punch … nothing more, nothing less

    here we go … play along …. close your eyes (how in the hell you gonna read this is beyond me)
    you see a Q-tip … you grasp it … which orifice do you place it in?
    if you stuck it in your ear, you have wax build-up
    if you stuck it in your nose, you have sinus problems
    if you stuck it in your navel, you have belly button lint
    if you stuck it in your anus, you have anal warts
    if you stuck it in your penile cavity, you have an infection … you need help

    … sometimes a cigar is just a cigar ~ Slick Willy .. or was it Freud’s mother?

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