Perv parent gives elementary school students condom-filled Easter eggs – IOTW Report

Perv parent gives elementary school students condom-filled Easter eggs


According to Fox 7, Gullett Elementary School principal Tammy Thompson said that some students received the usual Easter item of candy, while others were handed the more shocking item for young students.

“This afternoon during dismissal, a Gullett parent visited campus dressed as the Easter Bunny and handed out plastic eggs. Some of those eggs contained candy, and some students were also given unopened condoms,” the letter to parents stated.

Austin Independent School District said that staff asked the parent to leave, but they continued to give out the eggs while standing on the public sidewalk.

The district called the incident “an incredibly careless and inappropriate action,” and said they are working with the Austin ISD Police Department on the possibility of enacting repercussions for the parent.

“Please know that this was not a planned event, nor sanctioned by the school, and we have spoken with the parent about the inappropriate nature of their activity. We value parent participation and always request that you work with campus staff to best support our students,” the letter concluded.

21 Comments on Perv parent gives elementary school students condom-filled Easter eggs

  1. “…The district called the incident “an incredibly careless and inappropriate action…”

    Careless?! Careless!? Are you effing kidding me? It was very deliberate and intentional. There was NOTHING careless about it. Don’t try and gloss over this act of perverse indoctrination.

  2. ““This afternoon during dismissal, a Gullett parent visited campus dressed as the Easter Bunny and handed out plastic eggs. Some of those eggs contained candy, and some students were also given unopened condoms,””

    Key word UNOPENED, I’m relived. 😉

  3. Democrats empower perverts, and perverts use that power to pervert society in ever more depraved ways. The only cure is to literally put the fear of death into perverts with a few public examples.

  4. Rom_1:28  And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
    2Ti_3:8  Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
    Tit_1:16  They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. KJB

  5. Last month an independent reporter went to an Austin school that had posted pictures and videos of their kids being forced to celebrate Gay Pride week. She stood almost on the outskirts of the school to do a report making sure no kids were in the video. FIVE police cars showed up with a decorated officer to harass her. She did the same thing, moved to the sidewalk, finished her report. The 5 cars stayed and watched her. As soon as she went to get her vehicle that was in the lot to leave, her phone no longer on, they pounced. They gave her a warning that including a one year ban and threat of criminal trespassing. Hopefully she is legally pursuing her options and this event surely won’t help since it was treated so much differently. Sadly the police in Austin protect the perverts and not those trying to expose what they are doing.


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