Pervasive Sense of Fear – IOTW Report

Pervasive Sense of Fear

Zero Hedge

According to Politico, “A pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the Democratic Party over President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects, even among officeholders and strategists who had previously expressed confidence about the coming battle with Donald Trump.”

And while Democrats have spent 2024 on a “joyless and exhausting grind,” now, nearly five months away from the election, “anxiety has morphed into palpable trepidation,” according to more than a dozen party leaders and operatives who spoke with the outlet. More

18 Comments on Pervasive Sense of Fear

  1. And more is coming. Election Season is being driven by the media to be all year, every year. Political ads have their own, higher rate. Mo money, mo money. This is why we are increasingly subjected to this bullshit.

  2. Desperate men do desperate things including the preposterous, outrageous propaganda coming from these Communist idiots… and when that doesn’t work, look out!!


    I was one of the sons of the Greatest Generation. This crap ain’t normal. Especially, the reaction of all this by Our current generation of “Americans”. Should of heard my military parents and friends talk in front of us kids back then.

    I am truly ashamed! These are criminals now in control of Our Government, Media, Educational and Medical Institutions, AND the Democrat Party, and you sit and squat and look away in fear with a few murmuring words of wisdom?

  4. Think about this.
    They are actually talking about putting Trump in prison, even if “convicted” he will be a first time offender.
    A fucking 78 year old!
    Total fucking rat-fuck horseshit!
    It’s like finding a joint in a traffic stop and the guy goes to the Federal Pen.

    It’s the only shot they have.
    12 motherfuckers have the power to change history.
    I hope they cannot sleep tonight…

  5. My prediction is he’ll be cuffed and taken to jail on Monday. I think there’s about a 79% chance conservatives finally get violent. Long time coming. He’ll be released in 48 hours and rumor has it has already made an emergency appeal to SCOTUS. These people have no idea how big the bear is they keep poking. But they’re about to find out. Can’t wait for that judge and his daughter to be issued into protective custody.

  6. I have quite a few memories of what fears they tried to inflict upon us, but one of the simplest was the worst.

    I remember fairly early on, before my surgery was cancelled by a RHIO Governor, before they had murdered my brother in Christ with a respirator, even before I had to deal with the first of my co-workers felled by the Jab, I remember a nice warm day in 2020. Nothing special about this particular day. It was made more peaceful by the lack of traffic due to most businesses and schools being shut down. Nothing unique about the card in my wallet that had been issued me by my concered employer that granted me the right to travel to my Essential Business and was addressed to the police officers they expected would be pulling travellers over soon. Nothing new about the mask I pulled down around my neck as soon as I had cleared the building and would not be terminated for doing so.

    Nothing special in any of this except how quickly these had become shibboleths of society, enforced behaviors that had already gone from “15 Days” to the new normal.

    Nothing special except the way they had so effectively, on this pleasantly nondescript day, made the fresh breeze seem heavy with the threat of unseen, unkillable, asymptomatic Death being bourne on that sweet breeze from the breath of every human being on the planet.

    How they had, in very short order, made all of us into Typhoid Marys to be kept as far away as possible, as it was not even necessary to have contact any more to be exposed to what we had all been told was the worst, most rapidly infectuous disease to have ever come upon this Earth.

    I remember, with the soft warm sunlight on my face, hearing tales of the agonizing, unavoidable illnesses to come to my family, to my friends, to myself.

    And I remember I, too, was afraid.

    And that was the worst of all.

    Living with an inescable, amorphous sense of doom being reinforced by the minute by every formerly trustworthy agency, an eldrich alarm at every single sneeze from another person, a feeling that the world had become unmoored and all our years of civilization washed away without preable, the law flung to the bottom of a midden heal to be burned under a choking mass of used Chinese paper face diapers.

    Now you tell me that fear has come full circle, turning as the devils tools usually do in the liver-spotted hand of those who thought to wield it for their own aggrandizement, their delight at how they pitted us against one another curdling to a slowly dawning horror that we indeed saw them laughing at the discomfiture they had deliberately inflicted on us with full knowledge that we now KNEW they had inflicted it on us, that they now were only beginning to awake to the fact that we were swiftly to understand their role in it to the point where they may justly hang for it in this world, only to then burn for it eternally in the next.

    To that, I say good.

    I hope it torments them, having that fear they fomented in us reflected back on them sevenfold.

    I hope just the anticipation of the coming of well-warrented retribution at the hands of the hated hoipolloi they had thought to use, then extinguish tortures them to madness.

  7. Brad
    WEDNESDAY, 29 MAY 2024, 22:51 AT 10:51 PM
    “My prediction is he’ll be cuffed and taken to jail on Monday. I think there’s about a 79% chance conservatives finally get violent. Long time coming. ”

    …the longer the storm gathers, the worse it will be when it finally breaks…

  8. The US’s Uniparty caused Gotterdammerung is coming soon. If we don’t have some good, strong leaders in the red states to organize against the democrat fiends, it’s going to be hell on Earth across the entire country. It’s already a given that every democrat run city/town will be a hellscape.

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