Pet Ownership Is Unethical, According To Some – IOTW Report

Pet Ownership Is Unethical, According To Some

Corey Lee Wren in “Real Clear Science” tries to make the argument that it is wrong to keep animals for pets.

“The institution of pet-keeping is fundamentally unjust as it involves the manipulation of animals’ bodies, behaviours and emotional lives. For centuries, companion animal’s bodies (particularly dogs, horses and rabbits) have been shaped to suit human fashions and fancies. And this often causes these animals considerable physical harm.” More


33 Comments on Pet Ownership Is Unethical, According To Some

  1. We have a Belgian Malinois that we broke out of Dog Jail (rescue dog). She’s as sweet as can be but I might be inclined to train her to take a giant shit on Corey Lee Wrens picture.

  2. My pets would disagree with this assessment. Plus they were not consulted before this “science expert” decided to speak for them. They have us perfectly trained to serve their every need.

  3. Damn liberals are a joyless bunch of perverts that try to press their depressive live style on everyone.

    If you don’t want a pet bitch don’t get one!

  4. RealClearScience has hits and misses like other magazines and this is clearly a miss. The author has had no other stories published and it’s probably safe to say if she were recognized on the streets of London she’d would be beaten to death partly due to the fact as a Politically Correct, fully Vegan womyn she’d not have the energy to escape the mob carrying furry squeak toys and walking their dogs at a sedate pace.

  5. Feral cats have much shorter live spans than housecats. Plus most ferals will contract FIV due to fighting. So I would argue we enhance their existence for those reasons alone.

  6. I’d like a wolverine or a honey badger, I’m just trying to figure our where to put them. I have a couple neighbors that irritate the hell out of me, maybe I’ll put them in their house while I come up with a plan.

  7. The love that dogs & cats give
    is immeasurable.Both owner and pet
    benefit.Any pet that gets some food
    and some shelter lives better than feral
    street animals.Just like humans.

  8. I interviewed my dog, and it went like this:
    Me, having read this to Rascal: “What do you think of this position?
    Rascal: that Looney Tune is full of shit. Isn’t it about Treat Time?”

  9. The domesticated pets have a good life, and they know it. When a dog or cat looks at you with that love in their eyes, you know it is real love. It can’t be faked.

    And yeah, cats show love too. Not as intensely as dogs, but they show it.

  10. Our dogs pay their way by providing protection and early warning devices and cats because rats and mice won’t come around when they know cats are at home.

    I feel honored that our pets want to stay with us. They are just so happy to be part of our families.

  11. @Different Tim

    Sometimes they can have a hard look in their eyes for sure. I saw a leapard in a zoo once with the most angry and resentful look in his eyes. It was like he was thinking, “If I get out of here I’m gonna kill some of you humans”.

    But house cats can look at you with love, also.

  12. @JoeSixPack

    There is a video somewhere where a guy is contemplating a fight to the death between a wolverine and a honey badger. Of course they live on separate continents and would never face-off. The guy that did the narrating gave the edge to the honey badger.

    We will probably never find out how it would really go. Both animals are tough customers.

  13. Oh shut up. My animals would be dead and never loved if they were left in the wild.

    I’m THEIR slave if you want to keep score.

    Moron hater of goodness.

    P.S. My top cat rules. Even over the 100 lb dog. No contest.


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