Pete Buttigieg gets some comeuppance – IOTW Report

Pete Buttigieg gets some comeuppance

American Thinker:

Pious Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg has a brother-in-law who seems to have had it up to here with his wearing his religion on his sleeve and scolding others. 

According to an exclusive interview in the Washington Examiner, which found the man out in the wilds of a small town in probably rural Michigan:

“What we see is a modern-day Pharisee,” said [Pastro Rhyan] Glezman, referencing the 1st-century Jewish sect that was notorious for demanding its followers adhere to an exhaustive list of trivial laws to earn God’s favor. “Buttigieg is a person who’s making up their own rules and regulations and, basically, if we don’t celebrate and endorse their interpretation of Scripture, our religion is fallible. And that’s just not true.”

He expressed considerable frustration with Buttigieg’s holier-than-thou stance on abortion, claiming that Christians should only consider a baby human after it draws its first breath, justified by what he claimed to be Bible references. Mighty convenient, of course, as a means of contradicting most Christian teachings since abortion became legal. more here

13 Comments on Pete Buttigieg gets some comeuppance

  1. Mary Pete’s father was a professor at Notre Dame who’s life’s work was translating an Italina Marxist’s writings into many different languages. That Italian marxist explained that the way to take over the world with their ideals was to INFILTRATE FROM WITHIN.

    Now mary pete says that he’s a Christian and that the bible and christians have it all wrong and the queers have the right interpretation of the bible.

    Does it all make sense now?

  2. Called “The Long March Thru The Institutions”.
    The commies are doing what they said they would do
    back in 1963.They are just about finished and we are just about done…

  3. This little fellow uses holy writ, literally, to justify late term abortion but completely ignores all commandments banning same sex buggery.

    If a POTUS got elected on a platform of weaponized religion -believe my way or you are an enemy to the state-. I would find that very problematic.

    And by problematic I mean to say I’m not sure it’s a sin to kill a tyrant and there have been cases in world history that it was a moral imperative to kill a tyrant. To be clear, I would never advocate for the murder of anyone. I’m just saying thank God for a 2A.

  4. With all the unrepented deviancy corrupting Mayor Pete life, it would be best if he keeps his reprobate pie hole shut.
    Quoting The Holy Bible in his condition, means he’s mocking God. Give it a rest, Mayor Pete.

  5. The Bible is clear, life starts at conception…from John the Baptist leaping in the womb when Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, was near to God declaring He knew Jeremiah in His mother’s belly. Mayor Peter is using scripture to attempt to justify sin similar to what Satan tried, approaching Christ in the Wilderness while twisting scripture in an attempt to deceive Christ. Jesus, in an example for us all, used the Bible and shot him down.


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