Pete Buttigieg Hits Liz Warren Over Health Care Plan, But Continues to Face Polling Issues – IOTW Report

Pete Buttigieg Hits Liz Warren Over Health Care Plan, But Continues to Face Polling Issues

WFB: This week on the Sunday news shows: South Bend, Ind., mayor Pete Buttigieg (D.) criticizes the “controversial” math in Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D., Mass.) Medicare for All plan, Rep. James Clyburn (D., S.C.) says Buttigieg’s sexuality is an issue with older African-American voters, and Rep. Jackie Speier (D., Calif.) says articles of impeachment could expand beyond presidential abuse of power.

Buttigieg continues to attack Warren on health care: “The math is certainly controversial”

Elizabeth Warren’s health care plan was received well by certain segments of the media, but the senator’s fellow presidential candidates have been harsher. Buttigieg, who recently had to backpedal from a prediction that the primary race will end up between Warren and him, criticized Warren’s proposed health care overhaul.

“The math is certainly controversial,” he told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. “Again, there are variations on the estimates in the trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars. And we don’t have to go there in order to deliver health care to everybody.”

Buttigieg and Warren have clashed repeatedly in recent weeks on the issue of health care. Buttigieg claimed Warren was “more specific and forthcoming about the number of selfies she’s taken than about how this plan is going to be funded,” while Warren dodged questions about how she would fund her proposed health care expansion. read more

11 Comments on Pete Buttigieg Hits Liz Warren Over Health Care Plan, But Continues to Face Polling Issues

  1. If ANY democrat gets elected next season or if they grab the senate you can welcome MMT. What’s it matter anyhow, the dollar is 98% devalued already. We’re fighting over that last remaining 2%. Well, that last 2% is 2%+1A2A,etc… 2020 is more important than 2016 for damn sure. And the only reason 2020 is more important is cause Hillary didn’t already bury us. Thank a cigarette and God. Make sure those votes are cast!

  2. “Chicken for every pot” – FDR, 1932
    “Pot for every chicken” – Bernie, 2016
    “Plug for every butt” – Pistol Pete, 2020

    Hey… it MIGHT work! 😳 😳 😳


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