Pete Buttigieg Implies Bernie Sanders Wants to Incite Violence with Campaign – IOTW Report

Pete Buttigieg Implies Bernie Sanders Wants to Incite Violence with Campaign

Breitbart: Former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) traded barbs at the ninth Democrat debate on Wednesday evening in Las Vegas, when Buttigieg implied that Sanders’ far-left campaign was inciting violence.

“You have to accept some responsibility and ask yourself what it is about your campaign in particular that seems to be motivating this behavior more than others, because in order to turn the page on the Trump era, we’re going to need a president, not just a candidate, but a president who can move this forward,” Buttigieg said. read more

8 Comments on Pete Buttigieg Implies Bernie Sanders Wants to Incite Violence with Campaign

  1. That’s probably the deceptiCOM ticket right there…Sanders/Buttplug. Bernie was blushing when lit’ petey complimented him.

    BTW is it just me or doesn’t anyone else think that for a billionaire Bloomnerg has bad teeth?

  2. Answerman Cooper, I think they differ only in how they think communism should be presented. Pete is appalled by Bernie’s tacky Mid 20th Century shoe-pounding Communism. Time for an update.

  3. ” … because in order to turn the page on the Trump era … ”

    An interesting choice of words, leaves some interesting ideas of what he intends for consideration by thinking voters.

    Not that thinking voters are the majority, unfortunately, at least not among the Leftists.

  4. Bernie Sanders… a n’eer do well loser who’s never held a job, on public assistance when he was elected Mayor of Burlington, corrupt as they come, sweetheart deals to the family, wife, daughter…sucking on the Govt titty his whole life, wants to run the biggest economy on the planet… is everyone just batshit crazy…. the guy would be living out of his car if he couldn’t get a govt paycheck.

  5. Alice, I wouldn’t mind having Sanders car. It’s an Audi R8, the same exotic sports car that the movie character billionaire Tony Stark drives.

    Of course, I’d have to first have it electronically swept for bugs and then fumigate it for actual vermin


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