Marianne Williamson added “If I had said it, there’d be jokes about my being on acid. And I would never have said it.”
Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg was severely mocked for tweeting a quote pic with a saying that critics claim “literally doesn’t mean anything.”
During a CNN town hall on Thursday night, Buttigieg was asked if he could enact one specific policy as president, what it would be.
“Just one? Wow,” Buttigieg reacted. “Let me say this, it’s not a sizzling, glamorous issue, but the shape of our democracy is the issue that affects every other issue. So in order for us to get better outcomes on funding public education, on dealing with gun violence… there are so many issues and areas from climate to gun violence where Americans want something and Washington cannot deliver. That if you’ve got to pick one thing to fix, it’s politics. It’s Washington. And there are concrete things we can do about it.”
Buttigieg then shared an image of himself on Twitter with a graphic that read, “The shape of our democracy is the issue that affects every other issue.”
However, without the context of his fuller answer from the town hall, many on social media were left puzzled by the quote.
“This literally doesn’t mean anything,” The Hill’s “Rising” co-host Saagar Enjeti reacted.
“Almost as meaningless as the percentage of Iowa’s state delegate count,” Jacobin writer Meagan Day quipped.
“Imagine thinking this quote, which communicates nothing of substance, is so good that you make a graphic out of it to promote in a tweet,” The Young Turks host Ana Kasparian wrote.
“This is like an inspirational quote run through Google translate into mandarin and back again,” Washington Examiner columnist T. Becket Adams said. more here

‘Deep Thoughts’ by Pete Butthandy
“I wish I had a dollar for every time I spent a dollar, because then, yahoo!, I’d have all my money back.”
Empty comment from an empty head.
The failed Mayor seems to be big on eliminating the electoral college. His supporters seem to think his Gayness makes up for any lack of intelligence.
Butt-boy says people like me are racist. It’s a ridiculous charge.
How can you charge people like me of doing wrong when it’s just a legacy of slave ownership i inherited? I can’t be held responsible for that any more then blacks can be held responsible for being uncivilized due to their legacy of slavery.
Quoting something about nothing is status quo for Democrat politicians.
“Harpooned” would have been better. In the Buttigieg.
Hum, OK Pete,
figuratively rather than literally,
Fuck You,
Get it?
“Hope and Change”
What is with Dem pols and “our democracy”? Hillary blathered about “our democracy” in a tweet the other night. We don have a democracy. We have a representative republic. Deal with it, Democrats.
Just another Marxist Totalitarian wannabe lamenting that there still aren’t nearly enough retarded voters, even after their near total takeover of the education system and news media, to give him the power he craves.
That was Joe Biden bad.
Mayor McCheese poops again…
He could have solidified the MSM into his camp by simply saying, “Donald Trump must die.”
Stupid queer, he didn’t say that.
Yep, called you a queer Pete, you’re welcome to call me a cisgendered male. I didn’t invent either label, you folks did.
Former Mayor Buttplugger’s pronouncements make me yearn for those of that counter jumping doofus, Beto O’Rourke.
HA! That response sounds like an essay from a High School senior who failed to graduate for at least three years. And he failed his test yet again!
@MJA ~ Mark Steyn, on Tucker, just said Little Petey is just Joe Biden in a younger version (paraphrasing) … lol
Marco has it correct … we need to have a ‘douf-off’ between Beta & Petey
what’s w/ all the younger white male candidates on the d’RAT side that are total spaz’s?
… hell, nevermind … all the d’RAT candidates are total spaz’s
He’s such a nothing. If he wasn’t loudly gay, he’d be just another failed mayor of a small town.
Empty suit. Seriously if their great white hope is a gay failed mayor of a fairly black area then good luck. And note no one mentions the dismal record let alone what else he has in his history.
How about Mike Doomberg’s promise to “deliver on the promise of the American Dream” ????
WTF? Mike, how stupid can you be?
This is unbelievably bad… so bad that I guess even creatures as low intelligence as the young jerks have to criticize. Now that’s not a good sign, is it, Petey?
“The shape of our democracy is the issue that affects every other issue.”
Translated: Petey B! I’m your bride! Close your eyes and open wide!
The US isn’t going to knowingly put a faggot in the White House.
Pretty sure about 97% of his policy gets sucked outta Chasten…
Suddenly, Miss Teen South Carolina 2007 seems presidential.
The country may not survive a second gay president. Down Low Barry almost destroyed this country. Mayor Perv as president would seal the deal.
Actually, it says quite a bit.
He wants to destroy the Republic – the essence of self-rule and self-determination – what he’s calling “the shape of our democracy.”
If he can change the “shape of our democracy” itself, that is, our right to elect our agents and representatives in “gov’t” and our Electoral College for the selection of our President, then he can impose tyranny – either a tyranny of an oligarchy or a tyranny of one.
Consider Obola’s “fundamental change.”
They cannot impose their tyranny as long as the Constitution stands.
izlamo delenda est …