Pete Buttigieg takes aim at … Thomas Jefferson – IOTW Report

Pete Buttigieg takes aim at … Thomas Jefferson


With few Confederate statues left to topple, Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg thinks it’s now time to take out Thomas Jefferson.

Look at the jackassery he displays in this interview with Hugh Hewitt, reported by the Daily Caller:

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg says Americans should not be honoring Thomas Jefferson by naming events and places after the founding father.

The mayor of South Bend, Indiana, was on “The Hugh Hewitt Show” Friday and said he believes removing — not celebrating — Jefferson is “the right thing to do.”

The subject came up when Buttigieg was asked about the name of the annual Indiana Democratic dinner that used to commemorate the statues of Jefferson and Andrew Jackson within the party, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

“Well, let’s go to policy now—a very blunt question because you talk about going to every Jefferson-Jackson Dinner in Indiana when you were running statewide. Should Jefferson-Jackson dinners be renamed everywhere because both were holders of slaves?” Hewitt asked.

“Yeah, we’re doing that in Indiana. I think it’s the right thing to do,” Buttigieg said. “Over time, you develop and evolve on the things you choose to honor … Jefferson is more problematic. There’s a lot of course to admire in his thinking and his philosophy, but then again if you plunge into his writings, especially the notes on the state of Virginia, you know that he knew slavery was wrong.”

Had enough? The man from the party of openly anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar and blackface sitting Gov. Ralph Northam isn’t upset about those guys – he just wants to get Jefferson erased from any commemoration in the streets, in the statues, in the names of schools, or even Democrat rubber-chicken dinners, in favor of someone more conducive to the progressive agenda.  more

23 Comments on Pete Buttigieg takes aim at … Thomas Jefferson

  1. Sorry Butt-i-gig, rewriting history doesn’t change it.
    All this guy does is complain about US history and Christianity.
    He ought to move to China. That’s right up his alley.

  2. Liberals think it’s free to rename things because they don’t own businesses or pay taxes. Actually: sign companies have to be paid when streets and buildings are re-named and every business and their sales reps have to order new business cards. And then there are the wasted hours notifying suppliers and clients of the ‘new address’ and the lost mail and the confusion with outdated maps, and GPS listings.

    Besides: Changing the name from Jefferson Street to Obama Avenue is not going to bring more investment into depressed downtowns; it’s going to serve as a warning to entrepreneurs that this is a liberal / high tax district.

  3. According to Chris Wallace of FOX, Peter has “a lot of substance…a fascinating biography.”
    Chris never said anything like that about any straight Republican. Makes one wonder.
    What’s so “fascinating” about being a sodomite?

  4. Peto is lucky that the arc of history bent over towards sodomites and away from slavers. Now he can be a sanctimonious fudge-packer without a hint of embarrassment.

  5. How is this any different from Comrade Stalin’s agents doctoring photographs to eliminate his liquidated enemies, or inserting his image in photographs to show that he was present when Vladimir Lenin was making Communist Party history? Buttplugger is the son of a communist, so this was predictable.

  6. “Mayor Pete” or “PETER BUTT JUG” (as in ‘where do I put this excess semen? Put it in the PETER BUTT JUG!) as I prefer to describe him (his parents must have known his sexual proclivities at the time of his naming) deserves zero air time.
    Just sayin’.

  7. About the only way Pete Buttibutt would take aim at Thomas Jefferson is if Jefferson wuz bending over! Oh if Thomas could only see the Freak Show today’s politics has turned into!

  8. Pete Buttplug’s delirious ravings are caused by a raging brain infection he contracted by ingesting a sizable load of seminal fluid from a homeless man.

  9. It used to be the “Jackson” part of the name they hated.

    Just call it the William Jefferson-Jesse Jackson Dinner and it can reflect the Democretin moral titans of our time.

  10. Wouldn’t Mayor Buttplug be better off creating a statue to the “Public Restroom Sodomite?” I mean that’s so much nearer and dearer his heart, but I understand he has to spend so much time in his van handing out candy and puppies to little boys, so much to do and so little time.

  11. I wonder what Ole Pete will say 50 years from now when it is finally recognized that abortion is murder and the practice is universally outlawed. Will the left try to erase from history any and all contributions made by women who had an abortion when the procedure was legal?


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