Pete Butticheek, Troy Nehls face off in tense exchange over Biden’s mental fitness – IOTW Report

Pete Butticheek, Troy Nehls face off in tense exchange over Biden’s mental fitness

Just The News: Texas Republican Rep. Troy Nehls on Tuesday pointedly questioned Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on President Joe Biden’s mental fitness and the prospect of the cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

“We now see the mainstream media questioning President Biden’s mental state and for good reason,” Nehls said to Buttigieg in a committee hearing, per CSPAN footage. “Sadly, he shakes hands with ghosts and imaginary people. He falls off bicycles. Even at the White House Easter celebration, the Easter Bunny had to guide him back into his safe place.”

As he spoke, Nehls held up large signs illustrating the plethora of Biden gaffes that have prompted speculation on his cognitive decline.

“Cue cards that say ‘sit here’ or ‘end of speech’ which he actually states, that is if he stays awake,” Nehls continued.

“So my question for you is sir, have you spoken with any other cabinet member about implementing the 25th amendment on President Biden,” he queried Buttigieg. more

13 Comments on Pete Butticheek, Troy Nehls face off in tense exchange over Biden’s mental fitness

  1. Oh Hell, we knew the grinning imbecile was running on empty 35 years ago when he was bragging about his IQ!! I mean who does that except someone who is worried that people can see how damn dumb they really are!

  2. Notice how little Pete addressed Joey’s physical fitness (which isn’t the issue) and ignored the mental fitness question until the clock ran out. There is no way this cabinet of sycophants is ever going to invoke the 25th on this fake President.

  3. Little Pete is not too bright either

    Actually, Biden’s entire cabinet is filled with incompetent clowns

    They should all be removed to save this country

  4. The Dementiacrats reached Peak Stupidity with the installation of Dementia Joe. Nothing his Cohorts in Stupidity can say will shift the conclusion that Obiden and the Kalamitous Jamindian were unfit for the roles they were assigned by their Masters and Handlers. They are coasting to a political catastrophe.

  5. “There are many people in their 80s, and even 90s, that are as good and sharp as ever. Biden is not one of them, but it has little to do with his age. In actuality, life begins at 80!” he wrote on Truth Social.

    The Beatles sang that? Right?

  6. “Why the hell did they even allow him on the bicycle??? Either idiocy or intentional.”

    That’s my question about a lot of the situations he ends up in. Why are they allowing them to happen in the first place? Either they think we are that blind or they are TOTALLY incompetent.

    What I mean is that Presidential appearances get handled all the time. So why are they so bad at it?

  7. My belief is this must be on purpose. Like you point out Bev, there is no way such poor appearances can be by accident, over and over. You can go down a long list of other deliberate mis-management issues. Rotting bridges? Failing power systems? Oil supply troubles? Stupid covid actions? And now the really stupid support of the Ukies for utterly no good purpose.

  8. Someone should ask Pete what physical problem caused him to fuck up pinning a MOH medal on someone. He actually pinned it on backwards .. this is a mistake that would have caused your run of the mill 5 year old to start crying from embarassment

    The used to put dunce caps on first graders for far less.


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