Pete Buttiplug Compares Islamic Terrorism to Christianity – IOTW Report

Pete Buttiplug Compares Islamic Terrorism to Christianity


Buttigieg made the remarks when Hewitt asked him which form of Islamic extremism he thought posed the greatest overall threat.

“Do you find Iranians’ variant of Shia extremism to be more dangerous to the world than the Sunni variant that we see in the Taliban and perhaps in Hamas and some of the more radical elements of Wahhabism?” Hewitt asked.

“Well, you know, not unlike Christianity when it is motivating someone to do something extreme,” Buttigieg responded. “It can have a thousand different flavors.”


The reflexive response from these ahole’s, when hearing about something evil, is to immediately mitigate it by comparing it to something American.

Why do they do this?

30 Comments on Pete Buttiplug Compares Islamic Terrorism to Christianity

  1. sounds like a good topic for him to hold a town hall about in michigan or minnesota. Maybe linda sosour or omar could share the stage with him- I’m sure they appreciate his defining religions for them.

    he’s probably just trying to weasel his way into saying he’d like to have a 6 year old husband

  2. So basically a Christian baker that doesn’t want to make a gay wedding cake but will make you any other type of cake is the same as groups that will toss you off the roof if you are lucky, maybe torture you first or burn you alive. How can anyone take these lunatics seriously.

  3. I recall the Muslim Marxist Mouse Dick lecturing Christians at the national prayer breakfast with this same line of bullshit. Homosexuals see Christians as the enemy and Muslims as allies since they both hate Christians. That is how sick they are, like liberal Jews they will only understand when their necks are under the Islamic knife…

    Fear not you gay bastards, real men are protecting you from your own folly.

  4. With all of Alfred E. Butthead’s whining about Christianity, it is clear he knows homosexuality is off the Word and is just trying to make excuses for himself.
    What a loser.

  5. can’t pete fudgepacker just go away….he has 0% of taking his hate filled deviant messages to the White House so go back to bumphuck Indiana and be a failed mayor

  6. Anyone who is so convoluted in their thinking as to equate Islam & Christianity is unfit to be POTUS.

    As a gay man he can’t see the difference between how radical Christians treat gays and how mainstream Islam treats gays makes him uniquely unqualified to speak publicly about anything other than “anal fissures; now that you have them how do you treat them”

  7. Let these nimrods talk…showing the world how galactically stupid they are, which will bode well for our camp in 2020.

    Stupid is what stupid does. (h/t the inimitable Forrest Gump)

  8. “Pete Buttiplug Compares Islamic Terrorism to Christianity.”

    I guess Christianity could be considered terrorism if you’re an unrepentant faggot who likes to use their body as a cock holster.

    Because Sodomy is looked down-on in the Bible. I think the word, “Abomination” is used to describe such things.

  9. He ignores that an extreme Christian prays for you and the salvation of your soul while an extreme Muslim chops you head off and uses it to play soccer (unlike a moderate Muslim who just kills you then leaves your dead body alone).

  10. I’ve really been shtruggling with that name. From now on can we agree to refer to him as something a little easier to pronounce? I vote for Crisco but I’ll go along with something else.

  11. Bootycheek.

    Is he aware, as an example, that when a person quits their church or temple, or simply doesn’t go every ___day, that they are not raped, stoned, or tracked down and imprisoned?
    Also, I’ve gone into Catholic, Baptist and Lutheran churches, Synagogues and all that. And not once was I sneered at or asked why I was there. Muslims only allow you to hang out with them if it’s for political reasons or PR.

  12. Anti-Christ-ian and pro muslim propaganda has been going on a long time, very successfully: islams_victims_retaliating

    Torquemoda & spanish inquisition – this was during the time the moslems were being driven out of Spain. Why so angry, Spaniards?

    Ivan the terrible – fought against the moslems in the south. He resigned at one point, but Russians begged him to come back.

    Vlad the Impaler(Dracula) – spent his teenage years as a hostage of the Ottoman empire. Considering the way moslems treat boys, it’s hardly surprising he executed them with impalement after he revolted.

    The Crusades – Oh how nasty, after 700 years of moslem conquest, someone fought back for a while.

    Moslems vs India – 600 million dead and counting

    The scum who insist on importing moslems are creating major havoc for the future. How do you create another Vlad the Impaler? – that’s how. He’s considered a national hero of Romania, BTW

    I’m an atheist, but I sure am sick of the anti christ ians

  13. It will be either this POS or Robert O the other POS that subjects us to dentist appointments and haircuts, (btw, refuse to watch that disgusting shit) will be the candidate…maybe Spartacus?

    Joe B will not make it and the Bernie Bro’s will get hosed but yet again. Ha!

  14. @jo blo – you sir are an honest man and you know your history! And what can happen if NOT checked!

    Which, libs and leftists fail to recognize.

    Thank you and Right on.

    We can agree to disagree about maybe GOD or JESUS but we seem to have a consensus on the contribution of a political ideology, not a religion.

  15. It’s necessary for us to be more specific as to the cause of the Crusades. In general, it was a defensive reaction to 400 years of Islamic jihad. But more specifically it was a reaction to the rise of the Seljuq Turks

    After 100 years of warfare between Arab Islam and Christendom, an uneasy equilibrium had set in. After conquering Spain, the Arabs could not take it any further. This equilibrium was broken when Central Asian marauders who possessed superior tactics and warfare skills, the Seljuqs, took over Baghdad and leadership of Islam. In 1070 these Muslims won a paradigm-shattering victory at Manzikert. This allowed Muslims to pour into the Anatolian Peninsula, and commit genocidal mayhem. The panicked Byzantines petitioned the West for assistance, lest the Eastern flank of Christendom fall

    In addition the Seljuqs drastically increased the harassment of Christian Pilgrims in the Holy Land, to include horrific massacres. Apparently, this was the final straw that moved Pope Urban II to call for the West to retake the Holy Land.

    There is a highly specific cause for the Crusades. It’s not really a case of the West twiddling its thumbs for 400 and finally saying, “OK, that’s enough.”


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