Peter Schweizer: Amy Klobuchar ‘Not Nearly as Moderate as She Claims to Be’ – IOTW Report

Peter Schweizer: Amy Klobuchar ‘Not Nearly as Moderate as She Claims to Be’


Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) is “not nearly as moderate as she claims to be” and has a well-documented history of practicing her own brand of crony capitalism and selectively pursuing white-collar crimes while protecting her allies, Breitbart News senior contributor and author of the New York Times bestseller Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite Peter Schweizer explained during a Monday appearance on Breitbart News Daily.

Klobuchar, whose campaign has experienced a second wind after a strong third-place finish in New Hampshire’s Democrat primary, is hoping to build on that momentum and has been presenting herself as a more moderate choice on the campaign trail. However, that is far from the truth, as Schweizer explained on Monday.

As detailed in Profiles in Corruption, Klobuchar has voted with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) — her ultra-progressive challenger — 88 percent of the time, and she happens to be one of the top recipients of corporate campaign donations in all of the U.S. Senate, Schweizer noted.

As Schweizer explained, Klobuchar “pulls that off” by practicing a “brand of crony capitalism.”

“There are numerous examples where, you know, a particular company or, you know, a smaller industry — the executives will get together and she’ll get a couple dozen donations from a company over a two or three day period,” he explained. “And then within a couple of weeks, she’ll introduce legislation that specifically benefits that corporation. That’s one of the reasons she’s been such a prolific fundraiser.”

Breitbart News reported on some of the examples laid out by Schweizer in Profiles in Corruption:

A prime example of this occurred in May 2011 when Klobuchar introduced legislation to deter internet piracy. Although Klobuchar was first-term senator mainly known her being “Minnesota nice,” the bill sparked widespread controversy

The legislation’s critics alleged it was draconian, pointing to a provision in the bill that made it a felony to illegally stream TV shows or films off the internet. One of the most prominent critics, the pop star Justin Bieber, even suggested that Klobuchar was the one who deserved to be “locked up” for proposing such a strict law.
The response from the entertainment industry, though, was exactly the opposite. Many industry executives not only lined up behind the bill, but it seems that many had already begun favoring Klobuchar even before its introduction.
“In the ninety days before she introduced the bill, something unusual started happening,” Schweizer writes. “Over a one-week period in February, seven executives from 20th Century Fox sent her donations. Three more wrote her checks in March.”

But Schweizer says Klobuchar’s problems go even deeper.


8 Comments on Peter Schweizer: Amy Klobuchar ‘Not Nearly as Moderate as She Claims to Be’

  1. She spent years honing her skills before entering the big league of criminality. Now if Trump and any of the other honest busybodies will just leave her alone she will become fabulously wealthy serving the public, just like the others have.

  2. They are all firmly occupying the lunatic fringe. They don’t recognize it, but they are out there where the buses don’t run. Here is another example:

    The Bernie Sanders revolution came to Tacoma. It looked and sounded downright reasonable
    Amber Esslinger made the drive from Bothell with her two kids, Zach and Lexi.

    A registered nurse, Esslinger, 34, described health care as her “passion.” Along with education, she listed it as her top concern.

    Politically, Esslinger described herself as “pretty far left,” though, like many, she acknowledged she’s “not sure where the middle is.”

    “For me, it’s that his ideals have never changed,” Esslinger said of her support for Sanders. “He’s always been on the positive side of history.”

    This is from the crackpot who penned the apologetic for the domestic terrorist who tried to fire bomb the detention center in Tacoma.


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