“Pet”erans Day – IOTW Report

“Pet”erans Day

Images from:

1 seaoh (Smokey) My beloved dog of 16 years (17 years old), Smokey passed on June 30th of Cancer and kidney failure she is missed dearly by my wife, daughters and myself.
2 Little Sis (Whiskers)
3 Corky (Roanoke) This is Roanoke, he was our dog for 15 years and so missed by all. He was found one rainy morning in a motel parking lot (in Roanoke Rapids, NC) when we were packing to leave. We took him with us to our destination and the vet thought he was around 4 weeks old at the time and he weighed a whooping 3-4 pounds. Since we were military he moved with us a lot (to include a 4 month quarantine in Hawai’i). He was a really “good boy!”
4 Claudia (Asher, Zoe, Ivan) Fur’s portraits of my kitties, gone now but never forgotten.
5 systemically confused (Kilo and Logan) The boys – holding down one of my DIL’s flying quilts with grace and style.

Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:


They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.

Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!

NEEDED: If you send me pictures for any of the following themes, please tell me the name of the theme they are for.

  • You Might Be A Redneck – You should know what this theme entails! – theme idea from Dadof4
  • Scaredy Cats, er, Dogs, um, Critters – Critters afraid of thunder or other loud noises – theme idea from Mansfield Lovell


21 Comments on “Pet”erans Day

  1. I think my Garfield is soon to be joining these fine furry friends. He’s in a emergency animal hospital right now but it’s not looking good. Hard to walk through my door now as he’s always met me there with a brush across my legs and a plop to the ground wanting a belly rub. As a cat he’s the best dog I’ve ever had if you know what I mean.

  2. Thamks Claudia, I’ll be leaving here soon to go visit him. They allow a one hour visit a day with them but you have to wear a mask in the building. I’d put a condom over my head if I had to. When I visited him yesterday he laid on my lap the whole hour and slept. I’ve never seen an animal drop away so fast in a couple of weeks. My biggest worry is that I may be letting him suffer longer than necessary for my own selfishness of not wanting to lose him. Hopefully that won’t be the case.

  3. Good Sunday Morning to all my fellow iotw pet lover’s.

    Different Tim you and your ball of fluff are in my prayers today, I hope Garfield comes home to you soon.

    Thank You Claudia, for sharing these photos, you are a huge kitty lover just like me, we could probably swap some memorable stories of past and present about our kitties. I wish I could of gotten some photos to you of Miss Kitty, and other fur balls of the past but I missed the deadline. Oh well, maybe next time.

  4. Different Tim
    I had a kitty that had cancer, and it came on rather quickly. I knew we didn’t have much time left together, so the vet gave me some thing to make her comfortable and I brought her home and we laid in bed together for a couple of days. I was so glad I did that, she never left my side. I believe she knew we were going to be parting ways, 😿 but DT you will know in your heart, and for the cat’s sake when you have to say goodbye. 🕊️❤️🙏

  5. I’m thinking of all the hours of joy those beautiful animals brought to their families. I hope all of my pets will be waiting for me at Heaven’s Gate when my time comes.

  6. “What greater gift than the love of a cat?”
    – Charles Dickens

    DT, I’m so sorry to hear about Garfield. My cat is also a dog and he and the terrier/corgi mix are best buddies.

  7. I loved pheasant and quail hunting with my Dad and brothers as a kid. We always had a cluster of tail feathers stuck somewhere in the house (old empty vase, at the corner of a picture frame). I can’t find them anywhere in the wild in MD anymore.

  8. Evenin’ everyone, wew were doing some travelin’ today, hence the late post.

    @Different Tim – Only last week we euthanized our 18 year old outdoor car (mentioned this last week), very tough, but I did not get a chance to send C a pic of Sweetie Pie aka The Little Girl, so here she is…was, hang in there…

    Part one:

    Part Two

    @systemically confused – Logan is JUST like our Buds and @C – Buds played fetch and catch and greeted us at the door. Best cat eva…Will send a pic one of these days for Pet-erans.

    Thanks C!


  9. Great pics and memories, Claudia. Gosh, how much we loved them, right?

    @Ghost – Wow, you had a car for 18 years! Geez, that was long and also an outdoor cat!

    God Bless us all!


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