Petition – IOTW Report


Please, you need to post this petition:

Or this article:

They are trying to get 1 million signatures, the sooner the better.


21 Comments on Petition

  1. Also, if you live in one of the contested states (as I do) write your state representative and state senator (as I did). The certification and selection of electors is up to thrm.

  2. Signed, I sent a Thanksgiving card to President Trump and family at the White House with a letter of encouragement and support for him. Emails to him also on the White House site. Prayers for him whenever he comes into my mind. I burn St. Jude candles all day for him, the saint of hopeless and impossible causes. At night I have an LED candle of St. Jude. We must fight for him.

  3. Anymouse NOVEMBER 24, 2020 AT 12:05 PM

    Thank You!

    Already signed and waiting for the upcoming stuff from the cookies and leaving the e-mail address.

    The price of admission.

    Good point.

    Maybe I’ll filter my data base and use only the Dem/Lefty ones.

  4. I signed it and I signed another one on that now has over 2.5 million signatures.

    Honestly though, my hope is starting to run out, the statement by the Trump team about Sydney Powell and POTUS instructing the GSA to release funds has made it hard to hope.

    I’m to the planning stage for surviving and then defeating a communist country.


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