PETITION: Black girl who attacked white guy with dreadlocks should be ‘removed’ from campus – IOTW Report

PETITION: Black girl who attacked white guy with dreadlocks should be ‘removed’ from campus

College Fix: Bonita Tindle is “a racist, physically violent, dangerous bully who should be removed, before she attacks any more innocent students for both their race, and how they look.”

tindle dreadlocks sf

So says a petition launched a week ago that’s closing in on 5,000 signatures, referring to the black student who physically attacked a white peer at San Francisco State University because he wore his hair in dreadlocks.  more

14 Comments on PETITION: Black girl who attacked white guy with dreadlocks should be ‘removed’ from campus

  1. Well, good. Let the DhimmiLibTard’s actions come around to bite them on their own ass. I guess blacks aren’t the Protected Class they used to be. Blacks have been replaced by Quoranderthals as the new Protected Class.

  2. Premeditated criminal act. Assault and battery.
    The sentence should reflect what would have been the punishment if the roles were reversed.

    Stop treating blacks like they are second rate–coddling them, shielding them from consequences of their actions is RACIST.

    universities should defer law-enforcement actions to the real (non-university) police. She committed assault.

  3. What I would have loved to hear about (after the fact), is that Mr Dreadlocks signaled to Mr Cellphone Video to stop recording, then Mr Dreadlocks cleaned Ms “Appropriation’s” clock – but good. Then he walked away, and lived happily ever after.

  4. Black Privilege is real…sponsored by the Barky Administration…only thing that will turn it around is a strong leader with the cahonies to smack down these real live racists…

  5. These things always end the same way.
    She gets off with a verbal reprimand behind closed doors
    The College pays somebody a pile of money to ‘raise awareness’.
    Probably by hosting a ‘forum’ on mutual masturbation or gender-queer micro-aggression or how to avoid displaying White privilege.
    Bitchy Negro Woman gets a job teaching in a public school and retires early on disability for non-specific soft tissue injuries.
    Hair Boy graduates with a degree in primitive cultures, and moves to the Big Island of Hawaii and becomes crab food after he tries to buy meth from from the Samoans

  6. The college environment is a rather spirited place most times and a while there are instances of the occasional student becoming overly spirited.
    But since the hate crime in question was directed whitey, no actions will be taken.
    However, all white students will have to undertake a serious effort to receive another round (and showing complete mastery of the subject) white privilege instruction.

    There will be a safe place on campus for which to burn a couch.

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