Petition Calls Romney ‘Agent For The Establishment Deep State,’ Demands Censure – IOTW Report

Petition Calls Romney ‘Agent For The Establishment Deep State,’ Demands Censure


An online petition is calling on the Utah Republican Party to censure Sen. Mitt Romney for voting to convict former President Donald Trump during last week’s impeachment trial.

The petition is being circulated by Utah Republicans, primarily via social media, according to the Salt Lake Tribune. The document refers to Romney as an “agent for the Establishment Deep State.”


10 Comments on Petition Calls Romney ‘Agent For The Establishment Deep State,’ Demands Censure

  1. “They need to have a recall petition … ”

    Since there is no recall mechanism in the Constitution to do this, a Senator or Congressman cannot be recalled. Only option is to defeat him at the next election.

  2. POGO

    Utes are GWB GOPe! In plain AngloSaxon – they are radical left wing GOP! When Hell freezes the Utes will be conservative!
    They have liked left wing GOPe folk for decades. How do you think Mitt won; his radical left votes were well documented. RomneyCare!

  3. If the Congresscritters can find it in the Constitution to hold a trial for a private citizen then surely the private citizens can surly find it in the Constitution to recall a Congresscritter!

  4. Took me awhile to find it, but I signed.

    I don’t regret voting for him. I regret having to vote for him. He is still better than Jenny Wilson, but not by much.

    Now, where is the petition to censure Sen. Mike Lee (R-Bangalore) for championing the interests of foreign tech workers over qualified US citizens? I might have to start that one myself.


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