Petition to rename Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower after Obama gaining speed – IOTW Report

Petition to rename Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower after Obama gaining speed

The desperate left have started a petty petition that they believe, if successful, will rankle the “racist” Trump- renaming the stretch of Fifth Ave. in front of Trump Tower “Barack Obama Ave.”

100,000 signatures are needed for the city council to consider it. They are just about there.

The only problem is that dignitaries have to be dead 2 years in order to be honored. (Please, no jokes that will trigger a secret service investigation.)

I have the perfect solution to all of this. Why not rename all of Fifth Ave. after Ted Kennedy? The “fifth” will refer to booze, because the left’s Lion of the Senate was a fucking drunk that manslaughtered a woman.

26 Comments on Petition to rename Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower after Obama gaining speed

  1. …that rule about not naming street after living people doesn’t apply, since the African drunkard and skirt-chasing Muslim that Barry Soetoro claims as his father, the ACTUAL Barack Obama, has long since stopped disgracing this world with his presence, and the illegal Indonesian who fraudulently occupied the White House for 8 years NEVER actually, LEGALLY changed his name to Obama, so they are free to do whatever stupid and petty thing they want to do, although it’s not like THEY obey any laws, ANYWAY…

  2. …actually, though, I kind of LIKE the idea, but not for the reasons THEY do. Think about it: you have the name “Obama”, lying in the gutters and with trash blowing all over it, with the name “TRUMP” rising FAR above Obama Street under it’s feet, with the Trump legacy, shining brightly in the sun, LITERALLY, as well as figuratively, TOWERING over the dark Obama legacy beneath it that is fit only for walking on…

    It’s actually a pretty powerful symbol.

    For US.

    …after all, WE had to travel the long, economically flat ‘Obama’ years, lined with garbage and beggars, to get to our towering Trump Presidency too, and there WAS no way to Trump EXCEPT through ‘Obama’, so however poorly maintained that road IS, the glittering destination at the END is worth it…

  3. If you must name anything for that POS, you should include EBOLA in memory of the Usurper’s personal mission to contaminate our planes and our country.

    I had to close my office and drive 1200 miles to FL to pick up my daughter from college because of that.

    I have been exercising my bladder ever since in anticipation of decorating his burial pit.
    Therefore I am ready to wet the concrete of ANYTHING named for that POS whom I will hate until I die.

    No quarter. (spit!)

  4. …how about naming the non-existent CA high-speed rail after ‘Obama’? It was a stupid, expensive, politically correct liberal wet dream that went nowhere too, and was ALSO justly thrown away by President Trump…

  5. extirpates
    AUGUST 15, 2019 AT 12:30 PM
    “How aboutt erecting a permanent gallows in DC, call it “Obama Heights”?”

    …I’d rather call the National Gallows by the nickname of “Barry’s End”, because that’s what I WANT them to be…

  6. Christening squad! Ahhhhhtennnnnnnnnnnnnnn-SHUN!

    Dowwwwwwwwwwn TACOS!

    Drrrrrrroooooooooop TROW!

    Lettttttttttttttttt FLY!


    A 21-turd salute to Shitbama! 😆

  7. They think all that will happen is that a street sign will go up.

    It’s actually very expensive to change a street name. All city maps, databases etc, have to be changed. That’s hundreds of thousands of dollars that the city could use to feed the hungry.

    You don’t want to starve people just to feed your petty, spiteful egos do you? Talk about white privilege.

  8. Anywhere in the US, whatever city or town you happen to be in, MLK Blvd will be in the most dangerous, crime-infested part of the place. Never fails.

    Maybe BHO Blvd can receive the same dubious honor.


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