PetSmart Sues PETA For Spying – IOTW Report

PetSmart Sues PETA For Spying



Pet superstore PetSmart has filed a lawsuit against PETA, claiming a former employee who illegally filmed internal operations was being paid by and acting with orders from the animal-rights group that aims to fully eradicate pet ownership.

PetSmart had already filed a lawsuit against the employee, Jenna Jordan, for lying on her job application and proceeding to transmit secretly recorded audio and video to PETA. The newly filed lawsuit, however, names both Jordan and PETA as the defendants.

The lawsuit alleges that Jordan was on the receiving end of both “funding and logistical support” from PETA while she was employed by PetSmart. It says Jordan lied on her job application by omitting her employment with PETA, as well as the fact that she had previously been fired by a zoo for secretly collecting information on its operations for PETA.

“When Jordan applied to work at PetSmart in March 2017, Jordan deliberately concealed from PetSmart that she was a PETA agent and operative with a clear and obvious conflict of interest preventing her from discharging her duties and honoring the common law and contractual duties that she owed to PetSmart as a PetSmart employee,” the lawsuit says.

It says Jordan began to record conversations with her manager, Justine Glassmoyer, on her first day of employment. Glassmoyer is a plaintiff along with PetSmart in the lawsuit.

“At PETA’s direction and acting as its agent, Jordan intercepted and recorded the conversations surreptitiously and without Ms. Glassmoyer’s consent,” it says. “At PETA’s direction and acting as its agent, Jordan then transmitted each of these recordings to PETA’s office in Norfolk, Virginia, in furtherance of PETA’s public smear campaign against PetSmart.”  more here

12 Comments on PetSmart Sues PETA For Spying

  1. I believe that ’39 Popeye spoke to MUCH more than animals as pets.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. There’s more gray area to this than meets the eye.

    Yea, who doesn’t hate PETA? But this is the crux of any kind of investigative journalism.

    No one doing anything illegal is going to say “Oh, you’ve worked for 20/20 or 60 Minutes for a decade, I’d love to have you scrub the shit out of my illegal puppy mill.”

  3. PETA and HSUS and all the other animal rights idiots go a lot farther than secretly recording anything. They doctor videos, they deliberately abuse animals, contaminate food and water containers, they’ll smear shit everywhere, you name it, they’ll do it.
    Then they’ll smear you and show these doctored videos and even get your animals confiscated and you’ll spend years fighting it in court all the while they’re getting donations and selling your animals.

    At least PetSmart has the money to fight them, most don’t.

  4. We had a local case where a private investigator was asked to document animal abuse at a facility.

    They refer to these as “Ag Gag” bills because legilators tried to pass laws saying if you have evidence of abuse then you must turn it over in 48 hours or that the investigator would face charges.

    The same whistleblower component would apply to Project Veritas running a sting on an abortion mill.


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