Petulant Children Who Never Heard the Word “No” – IOTW Report

Petulant Children Who Never Heard the Word “No”

Patriot Retort: Can you believe the way some of the Democrat “lawmakers” are reacting to Joe Manchin’s refusal to vote for the garbage “Build Back Better” bill? They’re like spoiled, petulant children who have never once heard the word “No.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and the rest of the so-called “Squad” actually believe that if a bill is presented, it must automatically pass because they say so. Like a child in Walmart who launches into screaming fits of rage because Mommy won’t buy her the toy she wants, these whiny babies are pitching a full-blown tantrum over Manchin putting his foot down.

How can they possibly think this makes them look like serious members of the US House of Representatives?

Okay, I know. They don’t see themselves as “lawmakers.” They are nothing more than spoiled campus activists who refuse to grow the hell up. MORE

17 Comments on Petulant Children Who Never Heard the Word “No”

  1. They are evil, America-hating, bints.
    They should be sent somewhere where they can do no further harm – nervous hospital, nut factory, Nigeria …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. They all need to hear the staccato sound of a real man jerking a leather belt through the seven loops of his Wrangler jeans with lightning speed. Then, they need to feel the sting of that leather on their bare asses until they scream for mercy and promise not to act like the little heathens they are.

  3. Liberals never mature past the toddler stage. That is why they stay bitchy little children who substitute the government for mommy and daddy.

    Cradle to grave communism means they never have to grow up and man the tantrums they throw when they fail to advance their marxist agenda.

  4. They know more than us!
    AOC – A Democratic Socialist from NY whose claims to fame include making a college dance video and not knowing what a garbage disposal was.
    Ilhan Omar – A Somali whose family was was involved in a ruling class that was committing atrocities and fled when that class was ousted. Allegedly married her brother for immigration reasons. Equating Israel with Hamas and the Taliban
    Ayanna Pressley – Who? Other than saying outrageous things, what did she do before, and after, getting elected?
    Rashida Tlaib – born of Palestinian immigrants. She has compared Israel to an apartheid state.

    Yup, I am willing to let them tell me what to do. /sarc


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