Pew-Pew – IOTW Report



An Alaska gun owner shared video of the delicate and disgusting operation to rescue her gun after it fell into a portable toilet.

The video, captured last week, shows two men working to reach a gun dropped into the waste tank of a portable toilet in Girdwood.

The filmer said she had been taking wedding photos the previous day when her gun clip gave out while she was using the toilet, causing it to plunge into the smelly “abyss.”

The video shows the men are eventually able to reach the gun using a magnet attached to a length of wood.

“We live in Alaska, I was taking wedding photos in the wilderness,” the filmer wrote. “It was a long day and I decided to use the Porta potty. I ran in quickly without thinking about it, and my gun clip did not hold properly. I felt a ‘whoosh’ of air and realized that my Ruger had fallen into the abyss of the outhouse. This all happened around midnight and so I left it there overnight, as I live an hour and a half away. The next morning my husband and His friend came along to help retrieve it from the sludge. My husband used a big magnet attached to a 2 x 4 and pulled a gun out.”

18 Comments on Pew-Pew

  1. Her Ruger’s “belt clip did not hold properly”.

    Yeah, another “Ruger belt clip failure”.

    Those darned notoriously unsafe “belt clips”.
    They fail to hold the weapon “properly” when dangled over a toilet opening. While she juggles her camera gear, flashlight, her various underthings, and the gun, probably all while talking on her phone nonstop.

    If Bloomberg sees this story he’ll launch a campaign for stronger “belt clip control”.

  2. Husband to wife, post pistol rescue, “Honey, if you ever sit down on a toilet again without taking off your pistol I will dangle you down there by your ankles until you find IT.”

  3. During the Gulf War, I once had to squat down and “use” in a hole in the floor a primitive outhouse (a redundant term) in total darkness. I crapped even more when I heard my 9mm hit the floor.

    Moving ever slowly, I lit a match for light only to find the piece balancing on the edge of a shitty conclusion. To this day I don’t know what I would have done if it fell in.

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