Pfizer and Moderna Can Be Sued For Covid-19 Shots – IOTW Report

Pfizer and Moderna Can Be Sued For Covid-19 Shots


A Michigan judge has ruled for the first time that a drug manufacturer is not protected by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act in a case where a man suffered two strokes and a leg amputation after receiving a COVID-19 medication contaminated with glass particles.

The PREP Act was declared by the U.S. Department of health and Human Services for emergency use, and shields manufacturers, administrators and distributors of vaccines from liability claims of loss caused by a drug.

The case, filed by Ven Johnson Law on behalf of Dan Nowacki, focuses on how Nowacki suffered a stroke after receiving Remdesivir that was contaminated with glass particles.

The drug was administered intravenously at St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea Hospital and is designed to combat COVID-19 symptoms.

Two lots containing 55,000 vials of the drug were recalled after it was found they were contaminated with glass particles.

In November 2021, Nowacki was admitted to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Chelsea with COVID-19.

During his stay, he was administered five doses of Remdesivir and at least two of those doses belonged to the contaminated lot, the lawsuit states.


15 Comments on Pfizer and Moderna Can Be Sued For Covid-19 Shots

  1. Judge Carol Kuhnke’s ruling will be overturned by a Pfizer-bought judge higher up the chain. Or her car will be overturned by a sudden acceleration down an embankment.

    The EUA shield will never be pierced.

    Sponsored by Pfizer.

  2. The drug was administered intravenously at St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea Hospital and is designed to c̶o̶m̶b̶a̶t̶ ̶C̶O̶V̶I̶D̶-̶1̶9̶ ̶s̶y̶m̶p̶t̶o̶m̶s̶ MAIM AND KILL ADULTS AND SHILDREB, CAUSE MISCARRIAGES, GIVE COMMUNISTS EXCUSES TO STEAL ELECTIONS AND MAKE A TON OF MONEY FOR HOSPITAL CONGLOMERATES AND POLITICIANS.

  3. Asked hospital’s big wig doctor “If one of your loved ones came down with Covid, would you cure your loved one with Ivermectin or kill your loved one with Remdesivir?” Doc blew up and stormed out. Discharge papers showed up 15 minutes later. Unfortunately, younger brother was just admitted with Covid. The hospital got away with murdering him.

  4. When everyone said they were immune from lawsuits, my position WAS & STILL IS, ONLY IF THEY PROVIDED ALL THE RISKS & DATA and did NOT FUDGE THE NUMBERS.

    I still believe that.

  5. This all happened under Trump! Remember when he told US citizens you can’t sue if you die or are injured? One of many articles about it, here’s just one 12/2020.

    You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either

    Good luck! I hope you break them – all of them. I do not forget.

  6. Hmmm. Food manufacturers have to test each batch for contanination BEFORE transporting from manufacturing.

    Very odd that pharma doesn’t have this requirement. Likely they do, but it’s ignored by pharma and gov.

  7. Anonymous Sunday, 22 October 2023, 11:51 at 11:51 am

    Goldenfoxx SUNDAY, 22 OCTOBER 2023, 9:47 AT 9:47 AM…first in line to the gas chamber.

    You’ll make it there before me. I heard it’s quick and painless.

  8. I’d be curious to learn exactly how thousands of doses were contaminated with glass shrapnel, such small particles you can’t see/hear it in the vial, and they easily pass both ways through the hypodermic. Doesn’t that seem like a deliberate contamination?


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