Pfizer Contractor Is Skeptical of the Science Behind Jab- Data Couldn’t Have Been Collected in Short Period of Time – IOTW Report

Pfizer Contractor Is Skeptical of the Science Behind Jab- Data Couldn’t Have Been Collected in Short Period of Time

7 Comments on Pfizer Contractor Is Skeptical of the Science Behind Jab- Data Couldn’t Have Been Collected in Short Period of Time

  1. I’m not sure how much he gets it if he gave up his freedom to take a shot he knows could be dangerous and that he correctly insists safety data could not be collected in such a short period of time.

  2. there is a video of Fauci and his minions describing a need for a new bird flu virus to get people to take the vaccine. In October 2019. If they needed the virus to get people to take the vaccine, the vaccine already existed. The vaccine is not a response to COVID, It’s the reason for COVID. They knew what the vaccine will do before they created the virus. This is a Stalin level crime against humanity.


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