Pfizer Has the Treatment for Newborns with Syphilis – IOTW Report

Pfizer Has the Treatment for Newborns with Syphilis

The Hill

Cases of newborn syphilis are rising rapidly in the U.S., and federal health officials are sounding the alarm and urging action.

New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show cases are at the highest level in at least 30 years. There were more than 3,700 infants born with syphilis in 2022, a tenfold increase over the past 10 years. More

11 Comments on Pfizer Has the Treatment for Newborns with Syphilis

  1. Hmmmmmm… I wonder if those poor children are those of illegal invaders.


  2. I knew it! … those newborns are having sex in the hospital nurseries & now newborn clap is running rampant!!! …. if only we listened to Margaret Sanger


  3. Newborns get syphilis and pretty much every other sexually transmitted diseases in childbirth if the mother is infected during delivery, but given the proclivities of Pedo Joe and the cabal that fraudulently installed him, and goven that Ohio has greenlighted pediatric rape, and also that modern medicine has no standards but DEI standards in the current year, I wouldn’t be too quick to rule out a cradle rape as well, they do happen and it isn’t very fucking pretty even when the infant survives.

    Don’t ask me how I know. I really wish I didn’t.

  4. Pfizer says there’s a shortage of the drug used to treat syphilis and it won’t be until next summer they’ll have enough of a supply to meet the demand.

    How can there be a shortage when we’ve known for years about the southern invasion?

  5. All shortages are artificial, caused directly or indirectly by government to serve some Communist goal.

    Government don’t give a damn about no syphilis.

    Ask the unknowing participants in the Tuskegee Experiments and children that may have been born into syphilis as a result for further details.

    Plus, social diseases aren’t so socially unacceptable apparently in a day and age that it’s not illegal to intentionally give someone AIDS and brag about it later.

    It’s almost like the devil’s favorite minions, the government, want to use the devil’s oldest and most effective weapon, sex, to maximize human suffering and misery and drag as many to hell by their own genitals as he can…

  6. “Newborns get syphilis and pretty much every other sexually transmitted diseases in childbirth if the mother is infected during delivery, but given the proclivities of Pedo Joe and the cabal that fraudulently installed him, and goven that Ohio has greenlighted pediatric rape, and also that modern medicine has no standards but DEI standards in the current year, I wouldnโ€™t be too quick to rule out a cradle rape as well, they do happen and it isnโ€™t very fucking pretty even when the infant survives.

    Donโ€™t ask me how I know. I really wish I didnโ€™t.”

    I think this is known as a cure for aids

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