Pfizer says early tests show coronavirus vaccine more than 90% effective – IOTW Report

Pfizer says early tests show coronavirus vaccine more than 90% effective

Just The News: Pfizer Inc. said Monday that results from its most recent human trials on its coronavirus vaccine shows it is more than 90% effective.

The results are based on 94 trial subjects who were infected by the coronavirus and subsequently developed at least one symptom.

Pfizer said it is now on track to ask health regulators for permission to begin distributing and selling the vaccine – which is two shots weeks apart – by the end of the month, if continued trials demonstrate that the vaccine is safe. 

The Food and Drug Administration requires a company to monitor at least 50% of a study’s subjects for side effects for a period of two months before making a safety assessment of the vaccine. Pfizers says it is in on track to collect that data by next week, and could apply for FDA emergency authorization soon after that.

The safety and efficacy check of Pfizer’s vaccine was conducted by an independent panel of experts, called a data-safety monitoring committee. They shared their findings with the company on Sunday.  read more

20 Comments on Pfizer says early tests show coronavirus vaccine more than 90% effective

  1. …and then the long-term studies show it causes cancer, birth defects, and insanity, but let’s just go ahead and force a needle in everyone’s arm over a regular seasonal flu ANYWAY, and we’ll cross that whole maimed-children-being-raised-by-dying-psychopaths bridge when we come to it, because, Science!

  2. Remember when Trump said a vaccine would be coming soon, possibly before the election but probably not because it was politicized. And here we go again, less than a week later. Of course Joe still says we need a nation wide mask mandate.

  3. “The results are based on 94 trial subjects who were infected by the coronavirus and subsequently developed at least one symptom.”

    I’m a bit confused. I was taught, formally, that vaccines are to prevent infection. The subjects of the testing were determined to already have the virus. Nothing was prevented.
    It may be an effective treatment, but it hasn’t been proven to be a preventative vaccine.
    More narrative bullshit.
    investors will be pleased though.

    from “This is what makes vaccines such powerful medicine. Unlike most medicines, which treat or cure diseases, vaccines prevent them.”

  4. Obviously 90% is not good enough! We are killing our country over a less-than 1% death rate – how could 90% be good enough with that as a standard?

    The BS keeps coming. I’m caring less and less about those that support this scam. Soon, I won’t even try to argue any points with those friends. “It’s your problem. Leave me out of it.”

  5. But this could not have been released LAST Monday before Election Fraud day?

    They don’t even try to hide the big steaming pile of Horse Shit anymore.


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