Philadelphia Police Will Not Arrest for Burglary or Theft Due to Coronavirus – IOTW Report

Philadelphia Police Will Not Arrest for Burglary or Theft Due to Coronavirus

It should be remembered the current Philadelphia police commissioner, Danielle Outlaw is a social justice  activist from Portland, Oregon.

22 Comments on Philadelphia Police Will Not Arrest for Burglary or Theft Due to Coronavirus

  1. Sounds like time to set up ARMED neighborhood watch patrols. Already talked to a couple neighbors of mine (the couple that aren’t lowlifes) that we’re going to have to be prepared to be more vigilant than we already are. They’re onboard. I’m keeping my tube full. Hell with the spring!

  2. Since it’s no longer illegal to steal in Philadelphia ….somebody steal the Liberty Bell and get it to my property for safe keeping until the morons are out of power. We will return it to philly, or somewhere, once patriots who revere Liberty, are back in power.

  3. They won’t respond to a stolen car
    they won’t arrest a burglar
    will they answer 911, if you call?

    And if you tell them its an emergency, will they admit they don’t give a rip?

    Would it be just to throw rocks through every window of Philly’s City Hall ??

  4. “Can’t take your ass to jail, so I might as well fix it so you won’t cause no trouble for about a month”
    Queue wide shot of the rainy street beyond and bring up the meaty sound of a nightstick.
    Fade to black

  5. But they probably will arrest you for breaking a quarantine order.

    You would think in these times they would increase patrols to visually help reassure their public and maybe deter malcontents.

    Toronto’s cop shops are now closed to the public and they are doing emergency response only. Not sure what that is anymore. I don’t blame the rank & file but I do blame the Police services board.

    I saw 1 cop in 8 hours of driving yesterday.

  6. Chaos is their short term goal. Fascism is their long term goal.

    Philly deserves all the misery it is going to get in both a crime wave (property loss and loss of life and limb) as well as loss of freedom.

  7. a tip from Uncle Molon: next time you need to call 911, just say, “I have a case of toilet paper waiting for the first cop that gets here!”
    probably work even in Philly

    … you’re welcome

  8. Sadly, when the populace gets tired of it and starts shooting said criminals, the communist pricks will use that as an excuse to begin gun confiscation. Which is the whole plan in a nutshell.

  9. So in Philly going to work or church is illegal but robbery and drug dealing aren’t… excuse me, robbery and drug dealing while you wait for the $1000 govt checks aren’t ?
    Rod Serling eat your heart out!

  10. I can’t believe “bench warrants” made the list. Those are essentially orders from a judge to take a person into custody, typically because they failed to appear or violated some condition of release.


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