Phillips-Friendly Latino Activist Demands the Pledge of Allegiance Be Changed – IOTW Report

Phillips-Friendly Latino Activist Demands the Pledge of Allegiance Be Changed

Wash Exam-

“I pledge allegiance and love to our indigenous and immigrant heritage, rooted in the United States of America, to our civil rights for which we strive, one voice, one nation, for equality and justice for all.”

Even as reports about students from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky “harassing” the native American were discounted, Cesar Vargas, co-director of the Dream Action Coalition,said it was one of the reasons the pledge should be changed.

“White teenagers harassing a native American elder or chanting ‘build the wall’ at Mexican immigrants are not isolated incidents. Incorporating ‘our indigenous and immigrant heritage’ is our pledge that we will proactively counter the danger that racism breeds,” he wrote in an editorial.


Maybe this clown should pledge allegiance to the truth.

6 Comments on Phillips-Friendly Latino Activist Demands the Pledge of Allegiance Be Changed

  1. Illegal Immigration and border security is a problem that presents a clear and present danger to every American’s pursuit of life, liberty, and seach for happiness.

    President Trump needs to be supported.

    Everyone else can wait until we’re safe.

  2. Without a secure border, someone is going to smuggle a suitcase nuke into Tucson or Phoenix or El Paso one of these days and then we’ll have a bounty on Foreigner ears.
    $50 a pair


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