Philly Police Release Pictures of Dirtbags Who Attacked Marine Reservists who They Called Nazis and White Supremacists – IOTW Report

Philly Police Release Pictures of Dirtbags Who Attacked Marine Reservists who They Called Nazis and White Supremacists

Sounds like the work of Antifa.


Philly Mag-

The Philadelphia Police Department is asking for the public’s help to identify a group of people accused of attacking multiple Marine Corps reservists last Saturday afternoon down the street from the the “We the People” rally.

It happened around 3:20 p.m. on November 17th on the 100 block of South Front Street. According to police, the reservists were approached by a group of males and females, who called the reservists “Nazis” and “white supremacists.”

After that, say police, members of the group maced the reservists and punched and kicked them. One male member of the group allegedly stole a phone belonging to one of the reservists.


14 Comments on Philly Police Release Pictures of Dirtbags Who Attacked Marine Reservists who They Called Nazis and White Supremacists

  1. Remember the pictures Antifa fuckwads put out where they compared themselves to those on the beach of Normandy?

    Yea, they were already there before the invasion began.

  2. Hmmm … attacking Marines (Reservist or otherwise) used to be suicide.

    Wonder … what’s up widdat?

    “Kinder and Gentler” Marines? Or under orders not to resist the LIPs in Philly?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @Tim – I’m going with under orders not to resist. During Barky’s reign the upper level of the officer corps was largely purged of actual warriors and real men. There are too many chickenshit political pussies up there.

  4. “There are too many chickenshit political pussies up there.”

    I get a similar report from my Army Warrent Officer son, Uncle Al. Obama did more harm to this country than even President Trump understands.

    When our Armed Services personnel are attacked on the streets of America, it’s time to cracks heads open.

  5. I never would have taken any lip from a couple fat dumpy slobs like that back when I was in. The wrong look could have cost them a thumping and some expensive dental work. We were spun up all the time, we never bullied people but we never took any trash.
    This is disappointing to hear how our military has digressed.

  6. Clearly “The Old Corps” is dead!

    50 years ago those boys + girls would have been found in the nearest hospital. No need to search!

    Yea, I was a mean, nasty – – – !

    55 years ago my reserve station was 500 Alameda, Compton. Nixon sold it. I Know not what it is today

  7. Thank YoU, Victor, for your persistence and caring! I heard you on Dom G’s Show this morning on 1210 WPHT, and I appreciate the fact that you are getting this message out! Dom Giordano cares and I know you do too! Thank YoU! Keep up your good work, Victor!


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