Philly schools add Muslim holy days to district calendar – IOTW Report

Philly schools add Muslim holy days to district calendar

EAG: PHILADEPHIA – Philadelphia’s public schools will now give students the day off for the Muslim religious holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, though the move won’t officially effect all students until 2018.

The holidays, which are celebrated on a different day each year because they follow the lunar calendar, will fall in July for Eid al-Fitar and in September for Eid al-Adha, and district officials did not add the days to next year’s already finalized school calendar. Philadelphia superintendent William Hite Jr. told the Philadelphia Inquirer Muslim students and staff will receive an excused absence for the new holidays next year, and all students will get the days off starting in 2018.  more

11 Comments on Philly schools add Muslim holy days to district calendar

  1. Friends, the teachers unions will take ANY excuse for a non-teaching day that they can. This has nothing to do with honouring religion and everything to do with another day on the dole at the taxpayers expense.

  2. The school calendar is just the first step…
    Next step – closing City Offices on both days.

    By the way, Islam is just the excuse. As Brian implied, Philly would close schools on Hitler’s birthday if it meant adding a day off to the calendar.

  3. “Philly Schools?”
    Isn’t that somewhat oxymoronic?
    Wasn’t it in Philadelphia where the “Friends” started the first “Negro School” and their success was so great that it changed the mind of Benjamin Franklin about the educability of negroes?
    And now, sadly, the “schools” are simply warehouses for ferals, felons, drug addicts, and dealers and socialist indoctrination centers.

    izlamo delenda est …

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