Philly’s Soda Tax – IOTW Report

Philly’s Soda Tax

I saw this at Townhall. It said Philadelphia is imposing a 1.5¢ per ounce tax on sodas, teas, even diet sodas.

Doesn’t sound like much, does it? That’s why I thought the receipt they posted was photoshopped-


But do the math.

The Propel Water Berry was a 10 pack of 20 oz bottles.

200 oz. x 1.5¢ = $3.00

As you can see, the customer voided the transaction. You know who WON’T be voiding the transaction? EBT card holders.

Philly is under democratic control. Keep voting for this, morons.

Fox has the story, called Dig Deeper

24 Comments on Philly’s Soda Tax

  1. The people of Philadelphia will just buy it in the next town over and avoid the tax. In the process they will deprive the local shop owner of the business. Nice move.

  2. A 6-pack of the cheapest generic store brand soda will be an additional $1.08. (12 oz x 6 x 1.5 cents).
    Plus sales tax %.
    Plus a nickel or dime tax on the plastic bag.

    At that price you can buy a 6 pack of beer cheaper than generic cola.
    More intoxication, more low-income alcoholism. More and different health problems.
    Unintended consequences galore.

    Some will just give up buying soda.
    Then the ‘unforeseen shortfall in revenues” will result in the soda tax being raised still higher to compensate.

    Bad for retailers, bad for the poor.

  3. I posted this story to my FB page with a comment of the practical effects of this legislation. That prompted the following short discussion with a Oregon Lib. The names have been shortened to protect the !@#$%^: Jason: 25% is less than the built in taxes on alcohol and tobacco
    Dan: So that makes it okay?
    Jason: If it is not a necessity I believe so
    Dan: So the government gets to decide what is a necessity. I like to fly people in a balloon. Is that a necessity? Is television a necessity? is Facebook a necessity? I can think of a lot of things that are not a necessity. Should the government decide to impose a punitive tax on those things? It amazes me that people are so willing to give up their freedom or defer to the government for their decisions in life. So far he has mad no further comment.

  4. Government: “Nice business you got there, soft drink. Real nice”

    I think we’ll be partners, you an me. You keep doing all the work, I’ll handle pricing and our split of the take.

  5. They have squeezed all they can out of alcohol and tobacco. Now they go for sugar. Next caffeine, sun tan lotion 8 SPF or less, and then salt. You can’t make it up!

  6. Is that in a restaurant setting also?

    I go to Philly, but I BRING MY OWN BOTTLED WATER. I have been doing this for the past five or six years, mostly for reasons of convenience. I also bring my own small 5-cup Mr. Coffee maker and mini-moos – not happy to pay $9.-$12. for a carafe of hot coffee. After just two trips the coffee maker paid for itself. And bottled tea is usually in my little cooler. Years of short trips have taught me the brilliance of the convenience and comfort that BYOB affords. Hehe – when I went to Orlando a few years ago I UPSed myself a box with a champagne split (Waldorf charged $95. for the same exact split), Bacardi (2 night supply), my favorite snacks and a few small bottles of water. Hotels hit you for $7+ for indy bottled water. Cost me $12 to ship + $10 fee from Waldorf to receive. I saved $47. on just what the split would have been – plus it was convenient! I had the box delivered to my suite after I checked in.

    I was not about to rent a car just to find a liquor store, then a grocery store – and I wanted to only bring carry-on bags … soooo I sent myself a care package.

  7. In the People’s Paradise of Merryland there is a bridge in Southern MD, Route 301 that goes over the Potomac River to the newly-minted Blue State of Virginia. (by a decree in the late 1600’s MD owns the Potomac River up to the shoreline of VA)
    The MD State Police routinely go into VA shopping centers, just over the bridge to check the MD license plates to be sure the MD residents are not loading up on too much cigarettes or ammo … these commodities are not taxed to death as they are in the People’s Paradise …. but give Terry McAwful & Timma Kaine a little more time please

  8. You people need to lower your use of electricity to save the environment and save money!
    6 months later—
    We’re raising your electric bill.
    Because you aren’t using enough and we’re losing money.

  9. MJA- it is actually a fact that they DO that. We have NYSEG, and they raise the rates if the winter hasn’t been as cold as “anticipated” in order to make the “projected” profits! No lie.

  10. Tax on suger should be the same as on liquor and tobacco. I know more people who died from complications from diabetes and died and or got killed because of alcohol than smoking or chewing. Or maybe the fing gov should get out of the sin tax shakedown, er taxation.

  11. If they don’t drink pop, they’ll still drink other sugary drinks like chocolate milk, milk shakes, etc. Not to mention snack foods, and now machines are made that make the soda FOR YOU. So, if people wanna eat junk food, they will. No nanny state can control that. Stop trying to be the self control for American’s. It won’t work. Besides, overweight or in perfect health, sometimes you just feel like having a black cherry cola. [Who doesn’t? ;)]

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