Phoenix VA office fires top three officials – IOTW Report

Phoenix VA office fires top three officials


Michael Ramirez

TheHill: The Phoenix Veterans’ Affairs Health Care System has fired three senior officials after national outrage over veterans’ wait times there, according to a new report.

Associate Director Lance Robinson, Chief of Health Administration Service Brad Curry and Chief of Staff Dr. Darren Deering were terminated Wednesday, according to The Washington Examiner.

“We have an obligation to veterans and the American people to take appropriate accountability actions as supported by evidence,” VA Deputy Secretary Sloan Gibson said in a statement. “While this process took far too long, the evidence supports these removals and sets the stage for moving forward.”  More

6 Comments on Phoenix VA office fires top three officials

  1. Wish this was a cartoon:

    What say you, Don? Gonna go along with the House GOP plan?

    House GOP plan does not include Trump’s Mexican-funded border wall or Muslim ban

    – The Washington Times – Thursday, June 9, 2016
    House Republicans unveiled a security agenda that calls for prevailing over the Islamic State terrorists, stopping cyberattacks and building more fencing on the U.S.-Mexico border — though they did not embrace Donald Trump’s border wall, nor his vow to make Mexico pay for it.
    Also missing was Mr. Trump’s goal of imposing a temporary ban on Muslims.

  2. The VA like every federal agency is bloated with mid and upper level management at huge salaries. Thank congressional and presidential political patronage for this.

    Phoenix is such a small part of a nation-wide problem.
    So they fired 3 people?

    I suppose the VA will return to its old ways now that they’ve done something to correct the mess they created.

    When will they be concentrating on helping the veterans?

  3. It’s a good start. These bastards care more about profits and their bennies than they do the vets. I am unrolled in the Phoenix VA system, and I still get contradictory letters regarding my eligibility for chrissakes. These pricks should be denied healthcare as punishment, so they can feel what it’s like. Better yet, let me go to work on them for 10 minutes with a 2×4 first.

  4. @Anonymous — It was announced today by a congressman (can’t remember who) who was part of a large meeting between the RNC/elected GOP and Trump’s campaign (Manafort, et al) that there is a new campaign website which is taking peoples’ suggestions for the GOP platform which will be finalized at the convention. This is the time to weigh in. I don’t have the website link because I haven’t searched for it.

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